it was reiterated that the legal age of departure will remain at age 62 on Thursday to Rodez, Emmanuel Macron, has not hidden that he would have to contribute more. And talk about a possible age pivot.

Remove “misunderstandings”, “allay the fears”… in Front of a panel of five hundred readers of the Dépêche du midi, met in the hall of Rodez, on October 3, Emmanuel Macron has tried to convince of the merits of the future pension reform. “I have made this commitment. I’m not going to say : ‘You leave and we made a reform parametric'”, he pleaded. The challenge is daunting : according to a study by Elabe published Thursday, only a third of the French interviewed is favourable, when 43% of them are opposed to it.

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In response to more than thirty questions, for more than three hours, the head of State has described the contours of the future system universal points : the system will be for distribution (those who work pay for those who are retired) but will sign the end of the special diet. Current retirees will not be affected, just as those who are close to retirement in 2025, and the acquired rights will be preserved. Remains the thorny issue of the contribution period.

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“It will be necessary to work longer”

“the older I get, the more the legal age retreats”, has moved a nurse of 53 years, reflecting the concern of many employees. Emmanuel Macron has repeated several times that the age at which one can retire, will remain the property of 62 years, but, contrary to what he had hinted at Biarritz at the end of August, he also referred to the introduction of a age pivot (which might be 64 years of age), prior to which pensions would apply a discount.

Supported in his report by the architect of the reform, Jean-Paul Delevoye, the measure has never really been ruled out. But it has deeply angered the social partners, who see it as a source of injustice to those who have started to work early. “We will have to work longer because we live longer, repeated the president. The only thing that does not result in a loss of purchasing power for employees and retirees, it is to contribute more. There is no magic solution.”

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Should we expect any action before 2025 ? The question, burning, has not been put in these terms, but it is not less primordial. According to the Draft law of financing social security (PLFSS) introduced a few days ago, the accounts of the old-age insurance plunged in the red. In part, admittedly, because of the emergency measures put in place in response to the movement of the yellow Vests – exemption of social charges on overtime hours advanced at January 1, decrease of the CSG on pensions modest… “Of the expenditures that the State has decided not to compensate, digging the hole Safely, contrary to what was said the Veil law”, said Dominique Corona of the trade union Unsa.

the president of the Republic has made the financial balance of the system is a prerequisite for 2025. To assess the financial position of the plan, the government has brought before the Council orientation des retraites (COR), which must make its copy by the end of November. “Everyone will be fully informed of the situation that we face and of the levers available to guarantee equilibrium in 2025,” promised Edward Philippe before the Committee on economic, social and environmental (Cese). In other words, the measures that will be taken to refer to the average age of retirement.

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The pension reform could be “set aside”, according to Gilles, The Son-in-law Retreats : after the 49-3 at the Meeting, the battle for the Senate is preparing to Pensions : the macronistes reject the commission of inquiry desired by the socialists

The idea of accelerate the schedule of gradual rise in the number of quarters required for the full rate, discussed and then swept away, could recur. “If the NRC says that there is a lack 8,10 billion, we must say that we need to work a little longer. If he tells us it is in equilibrium in 2025, there will be no need of (the) do”, said Emmanuel Macron in the Aveyron. Of the subjects, he said that he will put to the debate.