The project of recruitment of the companies soared nearly 20% in 2018, according to the survey, Pôle emploi published on 10 April.

The job seems to really pick up again. For proof: the hiring intentions of businesses are allowed to double from 2017. This is the main lesson of the survey “needs of labour” (BMO), released on April 10, 2018 by Pôle emploi. The number of recruitment plans to increase to 18.7% in 2018 to reach 2.35 million jobs. It is 370.000 recruitment projects additional to 2017.

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In total: a quarter of companies planning to recruit in 2018, according to the annual survey carried out among 436.600 institutions in 24 sectors of economic activity and 405 of the employment areas French (metropolitan france and DOM).

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Two recruitments on three relate to CDI or CDD long

Other good news: if a recruitment on two (48%) is linked to an increased specific activity (of+27.8% compared to 2017), a two-recruitments-in-three (64%) relate to sustainable jobs, that is to say, CDI (42%) or fixed-term contracts of more than six months (22%).

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These are the biggest companies (over 200 employees) that are planning to increase their headcount compared to the year 2017, but the smaller ones are not at rest.

occupations most difficult to recruit than others

The hiring intentions still remain concentrated in services, which account for almost two-thirds of hiring intentions : 38% in the personal services (home helps, care workers) and 22% in business services.

Even if they weigh less heavy, the sectors of construction and industry displayed all the same beautiful outlook as compared to 2017 (respectively + 37% + 27%).

in Some trades, although highly sought after, are still suffering from recruitment difficulties, such as home helps and homemakers. In case, a mismatch of the profiles of candidates (78 per cent of employers) or the constraints of the proposed position (working hours, drudgery, for 51% of the employees).

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