The deputy spokesman for United We Can in Congress, Enrique Santiago, assured this Tuesday that the avalanche that caused the most serious deaths and injuries on June 24 in the jump to the Melilla fence took place in facilities on the Spanish border, a space “under very clear control of the Spanish authority”.

“There is no doubt that the avalanche that caused the deaths and the most serious injuries occurred in facilities on the Spanish border, in the Spanish Customs building, in a space under very clear control of the Spanish authority and under Spanish jurisdiction. With what which, the need for the investigation commission is evident”, the spokesman for Podemos in the Interior Commission has transferred in an interview on RNE, collected by Europa Press.

After his visit yesterday to Melilla together with the rest of the parliamentarians after the BBC report that questions the version of the Ministry of the Interior, Enrique Santiago has asserted that “there has not been much transparency” and he does not know why there is no graphic testimony of the tensest moments.

Thus, he has emphasized that the entire area where the events occurred “is a zone of Spanish sovereignty” and that what has not been explained to them is “how is it that two or three hours after the avalanche the customs building Spanish was emptied of these deceased or injured people” and “who took them to what is called no man’s land”.

Santiago has detailed that Interior has informed them that they will be able to access the complete recording of the cameras in Madrid, but the date is yet to be determined. However, he has pointed out that the information they received yesterday “directly” from the Civil Guard and the Spanish authorities “have made it quite clear how the events unfolded.”

Along these lines, he described as “surprising” that months later “not even the real number of victims of deceased persons, of injured persons, that the victims have not been identified and, therefore, it has not been possible to , because the minimum humanitarian task of notifying the relatives”.

Likewise, it has transferred the need to determine why medical attention was not provided when there were devices “barely a hundred meters” from where the events were taking place. “There is an already established collaboration protocol for these situations between the Civil Guard and the medical care services, specifically the Red Cross,” she emphasized.

In any case, he stressed that the fundamental thing above all is that measures be taken so that tragedies like this do not happen again and that “no one ever dies on a Spanish border again.”

It has also been asked about the reason why there is an asylum office on the Melilla border where anyone can present their asylum application, for international protection “why people of sub-Saharan origin never access that office”. “If these people could access the Asylum Office on the border or request asylum protection at the neighboring Spanish consulate in Nador, these jumps over the fence would not have occurred and this tragedy would not have occurred,” he assured.

Regarding the assumption of responsibilities, he has indicated that they will be determined at the end of the investigation because now they are not “in that phase”. However, he has asked the PP and the PSOE to “be constructive” and “recognize a reality” because they have the great “responsibility that what has happened is not left undetermined.”