He says that the candidacies with Podemos and IU for May will go ahead and believes that there will be few discrepancies


The general secretary of the PCE, Enrique Santiago, has pointed out the statements of the former leader of Podemos Pablo Iglesias in which he warned that the purple formation has to be respected, that “each one is clearly portrayed by the things he says at each moment and the context in which he says them.

This has been expressed in an interview on Radio Nacional, collected by Europa Press, when asked about whether Iglesias has harmed ‘Sumar’, the project promoted by the second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz.

Enrique Santiago has assured that he is accustomed to solving “complex problems and disagreements” in space and that what it is about now is to settle “any discrepancy, which is lawful.”

Asked if he considers that Podemos is marking distances rather than trying to collaborate with Yolanda Díaz’s project, the leader of the PCE has denied this extreme and has called for calm.

In addition, he pointed out that it is not possible to “turn what are internal organizational issues into a public problem” because, in his opinion, “people are not interested in this type of internal discrepancy from different points of view”. Thus, he has taken the opportunity to convey his respect to all the militancy of the different organizations that are part of United We Can.

“I think everything is going to be fine, that what we want is to add, we don’t want to subtract,” he assured optimistically, while pointing out that they are in that listening process and that now is not the time to “form lists electoral”.

Regarding the municipal candidacies, Santiago has transferred that “in the vast majority of the eight thousand and something municipalities” they will be forged by alliances between Podemos and Izquierda Unida and that it will be a process of “very natural formation of those candidacies”.

Thus, he has assured that in percentage there will be “few” discrepancies regarding the formation of the lists. “We will be able to see it when the process is closed and it will be a very small percentage of those eight thousand five hundred municipalities in Spain where there will be some kind of disagreement,” she has settled.