Here is a little sentence devastating, which feeds the famous syndrome of the impostor. A ban of any emergency, ” says Imène Maharzi, investisseure and entrepreneur.

“I’m not doing this for the money”. This little phrase is one of those that feed the famous syndrome of the impostor, trivializing the work free and create new orders making feel guilty for far too many women.

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Depending on the case, this little phrase which lights up the other on your motivations (real or displayed).

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for entrepreneurs or business owners after a presentation in front of investors, it may be decided to assure them of the sincerity of social commitment, or to apologize (or consolation) of the weakness of the means available

– for employees or employees, in the course of a recruitment process where the remuneration is not very attractive, it may reflect a deliberate choice – to develop new skills or retrain, or to reflect a difficulty to assert its profile and its potential

It can also return a negative signal on the perception of the value created. Because in the professional world, the recognition of this value materializes first in monetary terms. Salary, of course, funds invested in a start-up, in grants to a social project, etc

“I’m not doing this for the money” can mean then “this is not so serious, I like a lot so I’ll do it with/for less money”. And this is of course not always lived well if the “less money” leads to sacrificing the balance of his personal finances, or that of his company !

Gift and counter-gift

a few years ago, I helped a leader of a young innovative company to reformulate its strategy. Met through a mutual acquaintance, it had opened of its difficulties, and I had offered my help – free of charge. It just seemed natural : I had a lot of time in front of me, the project was exciting, he was friendly and open, I didn’t have any emergency economic and I like to help. In addition, the exercise was familiar, and I took advantage of the opportunity to learn about a domain and a technology of the future. Before accepting, I was nevertheless questioned very seriously about my motivations, and alerted to the fact that he could not pay me. And I remember him to have said : “I’m not doing this for the money”. Because I had the means to make that choice. And I valorisais this experience as a learning segment. The consideration was clear, the ad hoc assistance, the situation seemed to me balanced and explicit : he was happy and me too. In the words of anthropologist Marcel Mauss, there was of gift and counter-gift.

For a few years, I observed that this balance has become less obvious, because I love to help and it’s starting to get to know… The wife of a friend contacts me one day to help one of his acquaintances to think of a strategy of responsible investment for its family holding company, richly endowed by his parents. His spouse, who have benefited several times to my aid, he has naturally suggested to call on me. All for free of course. I should be flattered of the idea and gain satisfaction “immense” to introduce this person to the responsible investment, in sum, of the further enrichment of my experience, my contacts and my advice. I admit I bursted out laughing (yellow) on the phone. Because I am eager to underline the insanity of this request, the considerable value of such assistance, and the unbearable nature of the injunction implied contained in this application.

The injunction explicitly articulated in the following way : as (1) generosity is a core value for me, 2) I would like to see the investment impact is spread widely (to help solve issues of social and ecological of our time), that 3) that comes in my skills, then 4) I feel the need to respond positively to this request… since I can obviously not “doing it for the money” (that corrupts all, it is well known) but only to serve my own ideals.

of course, I am agree to serve such ideals as much as possible, but not at the price of my farm ?!

In the trial Work free : the new operating, Maud Simonet provides the tools to illuminate the phenomenon of appropriation, and to feed the parallel with the domestic work of women, conducted in the name of love worn by mothers to their families : “free and invisible as work, because visible as love”, the labour of love. In the anecdote above, it would have been tilling for humanity ? Maybe…

Values and search for meaning

More recently, I met a professional, very much involved on the subject of equality between men and women, and eager to learn more about OwnYourCash. After a first enriching experience, she decided to change the sector for matters of salary. Until then, it’s all very normal. Then I see it in his eyes, a veil switch. It will come back in a flash, and exclaims “but I’m not doing it for the money !”. New sailing. And new exclamation “yes, but all the same, it is normal to want to be properly paid.” I smiled kindly. There was no contradiction in my eyes. But to his, ori, and she absolutely wanted to reassure me on its intrinsic motivations. Yet, it is his right absolute to have the motives of his choice ! Of course, but the implied, still and always… : engaged in an occupation with high requirement of intellectual and moral, with many colleagues who have chosen this profession by vocation, the apparent dilemma between meaning and money made her uncomfortable.

And this is where the shoe pinches. There are many people, and particularly women and youth, who are struggling with this issue of value(s), and a quest for meaning, and who find themselves in situations they are not suited still, or even worse, putting them in danger.

So this part experienced a large group, volunteer mentor in an incubator, which is in force to give his time, his network, his energy for young entrepreneurs, the route of which by nature is chaotic, went to the brink of burn-out. The total absence of economic consideration has nurtured his syndrome of the impostor (if it offers me anything, it is that it is not worth large-thing), and made him accept a labour of hope free and invisible (one day, I’ll be considered an expert). And his own discomfort in relation to money was unable to directly open the discussion on this topic. The economic value created by these entrepreneurs, however, was real, but others have reaped the benefits in its place.

A consideration that fits really

This is not to be mercenary or venal as to wish to receive payment to the extent of the economic and social value that it creates, or to request consideration of a nature that fit us really (economic, learning, visibility, network, etc.).

injunctions social around care (care), a value associated traditionally to the women, sacrifice themselves in silence on the self-care (self-preservation), provided however, the sine qua non of freedom.

As with any entrepreneurial project, create OwnYourCash in mid-2018 was a risky decision from the point of view of my personal finances, especially in an area where the advocacy phase would be long. But as “I didn’t do it for the money”, I am organised as a result, I’ve given up on a lot of things. My motivation to bring my projects is not the money, but it is with money that I can make my choice, and therefore exercise my freedom in doing what I have in mind. OwnYourCash diffuse techniques to open this kind of conversations about money, yet so delicate to so many women.

Read our complete file

“The courage to say, an asset in the business,” “The fear, an ally to the” contractor “to Be an entrepreneur, it is to be passionate,”

To finish, let’s think about the logical sequence of the following : “I’m not doing this for money” so “I’m not doing this to earn money” so “I’m doing this to lose money” : strange, no ? This is called a fallacy, a reasoning which is false in spite of an appearance of truth. It has however the merit to make us touch of the finger the aberration of this short sentence…