The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has again offered himself this Monday as the host of a possible meeting between the heads of state of Ukraine and Russia, Volodimir Zelenski and Vladimir Putin, respectively.

“Our goal is to bring Putin and Zelensky to our country, hopefully in the not too distant future,” Erdogan said after a meeting of the Turkish government. Thus, he has defended Ankara’s willingness to bring the Russians and Ukrainians closer together, according to the Anatolia agency.

Turkey has already acted as a mediator in the agreement that allowed cereals to be exported from Ukraine again, “a key milestone for humanity”, in the words of Erdogan. The UN, which has also participated in this pact, considers that it is key to guaranteeing global food security.

Last week Erdogan and the head of the United Nations, António Guterres, held a three-way meeting with Zelensky in Ukraine in which they discussed the agreement to export grain and also the diplomatic perspectives to end the conflict.

Zelensky made it clear that he will not negotiate until Russia has withdrawn its troops and, on the Russian side, there has been no intention of engaging in high-level talks either, so a meeting between the two presidents seems ruled out in the short term.