Its centre of intensive training to the sales is used by major brands.

as a Student, she will move away from large-scale studies to prefer to string together odd jobs -including in stores – with a goal assumed : to make money. And it must be said that Evelyne Platnic-Cohen has a talent to sell and liquidate the inventories, an obsession for many merchants. These commercial performance does not delight much his father who has only one ambition for his daughter : Sciences Po. In fact, she will not go after a DEGREE in economics and after yet another argument with him, she slams the door of the family home with the determination to make a fortune without prestigious diplomas in my pocket. Arrival in Paris at the age of 21, she found work in the estate agency of a friend, and succeeds at the end of six months to earn the salary of a senior executive. She went on to work in agencies on real estate of Catherine Mamet, group bought out by Vivendi, where it became the best seller on 180 at the end of a year only. 23 years old, Evelyne Platnic-Cohen was appointed director, commercial.

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A listen to, know how to sell provides the super-powers, a self-esteem and above all a very strong recognition in the business. Its motto : all the world is for sale all day, without necessarily knowing it. To transmit the keys to a successful sale, it creates the Boost Academy in 2000. It is a center of intensive training in which one learns, regardless of its level, to better interact with customers. She teaches that a good vendor makes service to the latter ; quite the opposite of the cliché of the entourloupeur !

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today, the Booster-Academy has 13 franchises in several cities of France and opens up to the international. Each year, more than 10 000 managers and business are formed. Some entrepreneurs who come out of training are managed according to it to increase their turnover by 10 !

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Video produced by Nathalie Leruch/ Clement Champiat/ Maurine Marion. Magneto press for the Express.