
Charles Hoskinson, one of the co-founders of Cardano, recently shared his thoughts on the diminishing usefulness of artificial intelligence (AI) models. In a tweet on Sunday, he pointed to the impact of AI censorship on the effectiveness of these models.

AI censorship involves the use of machine learning algorithms to filter out content that is deemed objectionable, harmful, or sensitive. This practice is often employed by governments and Big Tech companies to control the information that reaches the public, shaping opinions and limiting access to certain viewpoints.

Hoskinson expressed his concerns about the growing trend of gatekeeping and censoring AI models, especially those that are highly advanced. He emphasized the significant implications of AI censorship, highlighting the potential consequences of restricting access to information.

To illustrate his point, Hoskinson shared screenshots of interactions with two top AI chatbots, OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Claude. When asked about building a Farnsworth fusor, ChatGPT provided detailed instructions but warned of the complexity and potential dangers involved in the process. On the other hand, Claude refused to give specific instructions, citing safety concerns and the potential dangers of mishandling the information.

Hoskinson’s observations sparked a discussion among his followers, with many agreeing that centralized control over AI models poses a threat to knowledge accessibility. They argued that decisions about what information should be restricted are being made by a select group of individuals who cannot be held accountable through traditional means.

The comments on the post echoed the sentiment that decentralized and open-source AI models are essential to prevent the monopolization of information and ensure that diverse perspectives are represented in artificial intelligence. The need for transparency and accountability in AI development was a recurring theme in the responses to Hoskinson’s tweet.

Overall, Hoskinson’s insights shed light on the challenges associated with AI censorship and the importance of preserving access to information in the digital age. As technology continues to advance, the conversation around the ethical use of AI and the implications of centralized control over these models will undoubtedly continue to evolve.