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And it came to pass in those days — specifically, in 2001, that there went out a commandment from the government, Stoltenberg, that all the world should innskrives on fastlegelister. And all went to be taxed, every one in his municipality. The doctors worked as self-employed, but with the public as principal and the guarantor that they would not be able to go bankrupt. Fastlegeordningen was created, and quickly became popular. People liked to have a doctor they were familiar with, that followed them through the livsfasene. The authorities liked fastlegene, so well that they were entrusted with ever more tasks.

But it was too few primary care physicians and too much to do. It should be more. In 2012, health care reform, that had as a goal that fewer patients should be treated at the hospital, and that those who got into, was quickly out again. More and more should be treated at the doctor. There were fewer beds in psychiatry and fewer nursing home for the elderly. It led to the doctors ‘ lists were full of sicker patients requiring closer follow-up. Several administrative tasks were laid on the fastlegene and stole time from the meetings with patients. NAV would have several medical certificates and testimonials. New fraværsgrenser in high school meant that students needed a confirmation from their gp that they actually had the flu. At the same time increased the salaries of fastlegenes clerks, and, for many of them, the rent for the office location. the

Much of this was part of a planned and desired development. The daily work of pupils absenteeism went down and helsesekretærene got a little more money to spend. But in a time that was more and more fond of making the country more and more on the desktop of the who, the unquestionable and formal, were responsible for their patients: the Doctor.

They didn’t immediately as some group that was especially bad. They were highly educated people with good opportunities to earn well. But more and more realized that the ground was rocking under them. As a self-employed person has not fastlegene requirements on pension or sick pay beyond the Register of minstesatser. At the same time they do not have the flexibility of other traders: They must be in the office when patients expect that they are there. the

their Income comes mainly from two sources: From a fixed subsidy from the municipality per patient is on the list, the so-called basistilskuddet, and on the bill they can send to the public after having received a patient. But in a number of years, has fastlegene sent concerned messages about that basistilskuddet covers less and less of the fixed costs. In order to get a sufficient income, they need to work more and have more patients on the list — the same patients who have been sicker and more time-consuming.

What happened was, to say it with the Vista analyses evaluation of fastlegeordningen from last year, an “accelerating development in the negative direction”. Doctors have reported working on twelve and thirteen hours, that they barely had time to go to the toilet, about the constant feeling of not being able to give the patients sufficient treatment. the

Rekrutteringsproblemene grew. At the same time that there was a need for more primary care physicians, would increasingly less be the. Experienced doctors wanted him away from the fastlegeordningen and young doctors at any time to go into it. It should be health care, buy a pasientlister and an office space from another physician. The price of this small can easily come up in a million or one and a half. For a newly qualified person with student loans and mortgages are a great investment to go into a life that-employed in an industry that is becoming increasingly more pressure.

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But on Monday this week, saying trompetstøtet. Health minister Bent on High, put forward the government’s action plan for fastlegeordningen, in the seventeen extensive pixels. The cavalry had arrived. Or had it?

In the government’s plan of action will many doctors find a virkelighetsbeskrivelse that they can recognize. It is acknowledged that fastlegene have too many tasks; there should be a better division of labor between allmennlegene and sykehuslegene, and is evaluated to give some tasks to skolesykepleierne. Young general practitioners to provide a better tutorial and an easier way to specialization. And the most important: Basistilskuddet will be increased, oi primarily for primary care physicians with less than a thousand patients on their list. This makes it possible for doctors who think they have too many patients to cut down on their lists, at the same time as it is a helping hand to the doctors who have so many time-consuming patients, the elderly and sick patients or patients with heavy substance abuse or mental disorders, that they are not once over the several.

But not so much money, and they come late. 233,3 million is the sum that is set to increase basistilskuddet. The signals from the legestanden even have gone out that the increase should come for many, many years ago, and that it should have been in the milliardklassen.

There is, and will be a challenge for fastlegeordningen that it requires that doctors who apply themselves to it, because they will work with many different health challenges and follow their patients through the life, also want to be business owners — and business owners who don’t have too good conditions. They need a safe floor under your feet. The government’s plan of action comes with some boards and some nails, but I wonder if it’s not needed more massive beams than that.

So to fastlegeordningen be improved

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