Confirms that the PP will vote in favor of the PSOE text in Congress to “be consistent with women and protect them” from the Government


The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has charged harshly against the “division” within the Government in the face of the reform of the ‘only yes is yes’ law and has defended reaching March 8 with the “repeal partial” of this legal “botch”. In his opinion, it would be “good” if this 8M “not only fights against the Government” but also “contributes something positive to women” because “they deserve it.”

Feijóo, who has visited Down Cáceres accompanied by the president of the PP of Extremadura, María Guardiola, has asked the President of the Government for “less arrogance” and “a little more commitment” so that this legal reform is carried out “immediately”, because it is “wreaking havoc in the defense and dignity of women”, with “more than 700 sentence reductions for sexual offenders” and the “release of more than 70 people convicted by final sentence”.

In this sense, the president of the PP has demanded that the Government agree “and the Congress of Deputies send a message of consensus and an apology to Spanish women” on March 8. In his opinion, the Executive has staged a “gross” insulting each other and using women as the last tool of his “division”.

Feijóo has insisted that “the optimal thing would be not to reach March 8 without having repealed Sánchez’s law of ‘yes is yes’ and without having agreed on the urgent reform of this legal botch.” In her opinion, Sánchez’s party has gone down in history for legislating “against feminism, equality and the dignity of women.”

“Feminism must be truly demonstrated, we will be consistent with our own reform of the Law and that it be done immediately. We do not like the feminism of the banner, we do not participate in feminism as a thrown weapon within society,” he said.

Before the debate to take into consideration the law of the ‘only yes is yes’ that is held this Tuesday in Congress, Feijóo has indicated that the text of the Socialist Group is a “copy” of the proposal that the PP registered in December and He has indicated that in this context the question is “how is it possible that the PSOE “says that it does not want the votes of the PP”.

“And now it seems that without the votes of the PP it cannot be approved,” he added, to criticize the “arrogance” of the PSOE and that he has not contacted his party for this parliamentary process. However, she has said that the PP likes to be “useful in feminist policies” and has recalled her legislative legacy these years in the face of the “regression” of the coalition government of PSOE and Unidas Podemos with its law.

Feijóo has confirmed that the Popular Group will vote this Tuesday in favor of taking into consideration the proposal that reforms the law of ‘only yes is yes’, but “not to do Sánchez a favor but to be consistent with women and protect them of this government and its legislative activity”.

As for whether the PP will attend any of these demonstrations, it has indicated that anyone from the party has “freedom” to do what they consider appropriate. In addition, he has highlighted that this afternoon he is participating in an act for women’s equality in Cáceres together with María Guardiola.

Finally, the leader of the PP has criticized that Sánchez announces as a novelty the parity law that he will take to the Council of Ministers this Tuesday when it comes to the transposition of a European directive proposed by the PPE and, therefore, the only thing that What the Executive is going to do is “comply with its obligation”. “It seems that he has invented it when what he has done is copy it,” he said.

What’s more, he has assured that “if there is a macho organization chart, it is the one that depends on Sánchez in La Moncloa”, since of nine senior positions that depend on the President of the Government, “eight are men”. “He has to be consistent and not impose parity on others, if not on himself”, he has proclaimed.