The PP wants those who have held political office in the last five years to not be Constitutional magistrates


The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will present this Monday in Cádiz the institutional quality plan that he announced at the end of the year, which will include proposals such as allowing the list with the most votes in the city councils to govern and measures to strengthen the TC, such as not those who have held political office in the last five years can be a magistrate of the Constitutional Court.

The head of the opposition has chosen Cádiz –the San Felipe Neri Oratory– to present his regeneration plan, since it was the place where the liberal Constitution of 1812, popularly known as the ‘Pepa’, was promulgated.

The PP maintains that it has taken the initiative to undertake a comprehensive regeneration for the present and the future in the face of the “serious institutional deterioration suffered by Spain” due to the actions of the Government of Pedro Sánchez.

For this reason, and as Feijóo announced at the balance sheet appearance for the year 2022 on December 30, these proposals will be channeled through an Institutional Quality Plan. This plan will include, in addition to some of the measures of democratic regeneration and improvement of the functioning of the institutions that had been advanced in recent weeks, a proposal to favor the list with the most votes in the city councils to govern.

“We understand that it is a measure that will result both in improving the representation of the will of citizens and in the functioning of local governments,” said the Vice-Secretary for Institutional Action Esteban González Pons, who stressed that “most of citizens cannot be subject to a sort of tyranny of political minorities”.

According to the PP, this is a proposal that the great parties of our country have historically defended on numerous occasions, “so it is convenient to open a reflection on its implementation, also the Socialist Party.” In fact, the ‘popular’ have highlighted that a 2005 White Paper for Local Government Reform explained that “local government must respond to the dynamics between majority and minority: whoever wins the elections must govern and whoever loses control to the one who has won”.

“This is a clear, transparent proposal that helps clarify their vote for citizens, knowing on the day of the elections who they will be governed by,” González Pons pointed out. In his opinion, they are “accustomed to the PSOE changing its criteria according to the circumstances of the moment” but the PP proposes “a solid commitment with the hope that they will support this proposal” and can reach “a great pact”.

The PP plan will also include its proposal to renew the General Council of the Judiciary (CPPJ), whose mandate has expired for four years, and which the party already sent to Moncloa last June.

Two weeks ago, Feijóo already advanced that the PP would include in its plan measures for the “strengthening of the Constitutional Court”, which includes ineligibility criteria for candidates who have held political office in the last five years, a requirement that would leave out two new magistrates, the former minister Juan Carlos Campo or the exalted office of Moncloa Laura Díez.

In addition, the head of the opposition said that the PP intends to reform the election system for magistrates and the president of the TC, as well as clarify the phases of the process. The plan, he advanced then, will also include new standards of transparency and operation of the court in decision-making, in the votes of the magistrates and in the distribution of issues, resolution calendars and pending issues.