He bets on a “serene and adult” parliamentarism in his debut as senator and says that he will exercise an “honest” opposition


The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has admitted that his party is open to reaching agreements with the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, as in the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), but has admitted that “it is not makes it easy” when, for example, he takes advantage of his public interventions to call the PP charges “mangantas”.

“We are the antithesis to the current sanchismo. We had coincidences with the Socialist Party, but the Socialist Party has mutated, it is no longer the PSOE of the Transition and of democracy in Spain,” he declared at a press conference in the Senate, where this Wednesday he has taken possession of his seat.

When expressly asked if in the current situation the PP is willing to renew the General Council of the Judiciary, whose mandate has expired for more than three years, the leader of the opposition has indicated that his formation “speaks with the Government” although “it is It really doesn’t make it easy.”

“I’m surprised he wants to talk to a gangster party. But it seems that’s what he wants,” he said ironically, adding that the PP is going to try “to be respectful of the interests of the Spanish, not with the interests of the Government “.

In this sense, he has insisted that he is willing to talk about the issues that interest Spaniards, but has stressed that his party is the “antithesis” of Pedro Sánchez and the PSOE, a party that, in his opinion, “has mutated ” and it doesn’t look like the one from the Transition.

Feijóo has confirmed that he will resume talks with the Government after the Andalusian elections on June 19 and has acknowledged that he was surprised by Sánchez’s “insults” against his party because, as he said, he thought that those qualifications were no longer going to be made after the interview he held in La Moncloa. “He deeply displeased me,” he added.

Feijóo, who has appeared before the media in the Hall of Lost Steps of the Senate, explained that among his objectives as a senator is to defend the Constitution, Spanish unity, the Autonomous State and exercise an “honest opposition”.

“I come to the Senate with the hope of contributing to improving my country, with the aspiration of being useful to all the citizens we represent and with the desire to honor, preserve and defend Spanish institutions and, therefore, the unity of the nation” , has manifested

Feijóo has said that he believes in “parliamentaryism”, “in words and ideas” because “you can improve by listening to others and nobody is in possession of the truth”. In addition, he has stressed that he believes in the accountability of the Government as, according to what he has said, he has done as president of the Xunta.

“I deeply believe in serious, serene, calm and constructive debate. For this reason, I am not going to shy away from any of the occasions in which I can debate with the President of the Government because I understand that it is my obligation, my function and my vocation”, has declared, after assuring that he will bet on a “serene and adult” parliamentarism and for carrying out an “honest” opposition.

When asked if he hopes to be able to confront Sánchez for the first time in the Senate in the plenary session on February 7, Feijóo pointed out that the Chief Executive is scheduled to go to the Chamber that day and, therefore, they will ask him a question. “If the forecasts are fulfilled, on the 7th there will be a question from the PP that I myself will formulate to the Prime Minister,” he asserted.

The leader of the PP has pointed out, after promising to comply with the Constitution by promising his position in the Senate, he has highlighted that the Constitution cannot be a “short dribbling tool” but rather is the “basement of the rights and freedoms of the Spaniards” .

“It should not be treated as an element that can be cut to the taste of the consumer”, he has indicated, to make it clear that the Constitution “is a whole” that “is not cut into pieces”. As she has said, the institutional architecture of the State “cannot be cut into pieces” because “if not, the building will falter.”

Feijóo has assured that the current Government of PSOE and United We Can “no longer defends the State” but “has decided to discredit a good part of the State institutions in exchange for simply staying in the Government.”

In this sense, he has affirmed that Sánchez has made “many concessions to the independence movement”, not only in the “initial payment” to be President of the Government” but in the “partial and periodic payments to remain in the Presidency of the Government”.

“We have seen it in the granting of pardons without the pardoned having committed not to commit crimes again, a basic requirement to obtain the grace of a pardon; we have seen it when he was agreeing with them and at the same time investigating them through the CNI, that he was following instructions from the Government; we saw it just yesterday when the Parliament of Catalonia agreed to evade compliance with a ruling that simply establishes the co-official status of languages ??in a bilingual CCAA”, he asserted.

In addition, the president of the ‘popular’ has pointed out that another “payment” was the entry of the independentistas in the Official Secrets Commission, “breaking another state consensus.”

For this reason, he said that Sánchez has the opportunity this Wednesday to “clarify” in the plenary session of Congress on the so-called Pegasus case “what is the position of the Government in relation to the unity and integrity of the Spanish nation.”

“If your explanations are convincing, complete, sincere and consistent with reality, you will undoubtedly have the support of the PP because we continue to defend the State and that is our political foundation,” he proclaimed.

On the other hand, he has said that if Pedro Sánchez opts for “falsehood, opacity or the concealment of information”, then the Popular Group will not be able to support him in his parliamentary appearance in the plenary session of Congress.

“If Sánchez wants to give us a choice between defending his interests or those of his partners, and the general interests of the State, he knows perfectly well that we are going to defend the general interests of the State,” he warned.