It proposes to regulate the Debate of the Nation and the contacts between the president and the opposition leader or to end the revolving doors


The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has presented this Monday an institutional quality plan with 60 measures to improve the quality of democracy, put an end to “nepotism and opacity” and stop the “erosion” of institutions in the face of ” drift” opened by the Government of Pedro Sánchez. After assuring that the PP has to “rebel” before what is happening, he has predicted that the response of the Executive and the PSOE will be “contempt”, “disqualification” and “falsehood”.

The leader of the opposition has chosen Cádiz –the Oratory of San Felipe Neri– to present this regeneration plan, given that it was the place where the liberal Constitution of 1812, popularly known as the ‘Pepa’, was promulgated. He was accompanied by the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, and the vice-secretary for Institutions, Esteban González Pons.

Feijóo, who has publicly signed this document that he will make available to the Government, has indicated that they are immersed in a “drift” that has already exceeded their “capacity for astonishment” and that is why the PP has taken the step of presenting a plan that includes “accurate and fair diagnosis” with “solid and necessary principles” at this time in Spain.

As detailed, there are 60 measures to improve democratic quality, put an end to “nepotism, arbitrariness and incapacity” and are divided into five sections. In the first place, measures to protect the territorial integrity of the State, recovering the crime of sedition, annulling the embezzlement reform and defining the crime of illegal referendum.

Secondly, it includes proposals to guarantee the functions of the legislature and the quality of laws by limiting recourse to the royal decree law, regulating the periodicity of the Debate on the State of the Nation and creating an Office of Democratic Quality.

The third section includes initiatives for a better government such as guaranteeing that the mayoralty falls to the candidacy that achieves the greatest direct popular support at the polls; establish institutionalized and frequent communication between the President of the Government and the leader of the opposition and prohibit the use of public resources in acts of a party.

Fourthly, the PP proposes measures to improve the Judiciary: limiting revolving doors and reinforcing the demands for independence in the TC and in the CGPJ; and establish a five-year term for the State Attorney General, separating him from the Government’s mandate.

The last section includes actions to “recover the prestige of the institutions”, establishing suitability requirements to lead the regulatory bodies and with measures to recover the credibility and independence of the institutions that have been undermined in this legislature. Specifically, it includes specific proposals for the CIS, the INE, the CNI and RTVE, as Feijóo has said.

Feijóo has indicated that they have “time to stop the erosion of the institutions and recover the sense of State” and has stressed that this “contract” that he has signed is a sign of his commitment to Spain and a “tool against resignation”. “We defend that a better policy is possible and the best way to achieve it is with solid, prestigious institutions and at the service of citizens”, he added.