He vindicates the Magna Carta and constitutional values: “We are not here talking about an antique or being nostalgic”


The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has warned this Monday that with the Executive of Pedro Sánchez any “step towards the abyss” is possible because the 1978 Constitution is being questioned from the coalition government itself. As an example of this, he has cited what happened with the Democratic Memory Law and the repeal of the crime of sedition, which, according to him, are “incompatible” with the Magna Carta.

“They are trying to undermine those values ??that guarantee coexistence and freedom. And nothing is impossible. Any new step towards the abyss is possible, precisely because that constitutional framework that establishes the limits is questioned from the very instances of the Government”, he has proclaimed Feijóo at the closing of the II Discussion Table The Constitutional Values ??in Spain of the XXI Century.

The meeting, co-organized with the International Chair for Women, Business and Sport of the Catholic University of Murcia, has been inaugurated by the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra. Previously, it has hosted a colloquium with the former minister Rafael Arias-Salgado, the former general secretary of the PSE Nicolás Redondo Terreros and the journalist Natalia Escalada.

Feijóo has charged against the PSOE, censuring that “the same formation that fought against radicalism in the constituent period now opens the doors of the Government and makes it an ally.” In his opinion, it is as if those who were democratically defeated in the democratic transition returned to the charge for the same purposes, so that if they did it “frontally” before, now they do it “obliquely.”

Feijóo has alluded to two episodes of this year 2022, the repeal of sedition and the Memory Law, which, in his opinion, are “incompatible” with the 1978 Constitution and were not on the PSOE electoral program. “As Nicolás Redondo Terreros has said, it is the Penal Code of Junqueras and Puigdemont. I would add ‘and Sánchez'”, he proclaimed.

The leader of the PP has indicated that while the assignments of the Sánchez Executive are “serious”, “they are even more so if the beneficiaries are taken into account.” “In some political cases they have a recent history of sedition against democracy. In others, parties are parties that come from terrorist movements that for decades wanted to derail this democracy,” he added.

A week after the 44th anniversary of the Magna Carta is celebrated, Feijóo has claimed the great value that the Basic Law bequeaths and has denounced that those opponents of freedom “have a prominent role today to the point of dominating the political agenda.

Feijóo has affirmed that in 1978 politics understood as an agreement triumphed but at the present time “politics understood as confrontation” is triumphing. As he added, there were already minority groups that did not want the Magna Carta or the agreement, but the Spanish people “rejected all attempts to perpetuate the two Spains.”

“Those opponents of the confrontation today have a prominent role, to the point that they dominate the political agenda,” he lamented, adding that those formations that try to “relentlessly erode” the institutional foundations of constitutional democracy have “a complicity evident on the part of the Government”.

Feijóo has stressed that the PP is a party that was born with the Constitution and that he began to study law in 1979, being one of the first Law promotions to do so once the Fundamental Law was approved. “I am a product of title VIII of the Constitution. It is a complex and difficult title,” he pointed out, after recalling that he has been president of the Xunta de Galicia for almost 14 years.

Having said this, he has evoked the spirit of the Gredos declaration signed by the fathers of the Constitution and has stressed that the defense of constitutional values ??is not “private of anyone, nor an anachronism, nor an unfounded nostalgia”. “We are not here talking about an antique or being nostalgic,” he stressed.

For his part, Gamarra has assured that the Spanish Constitution is an “example for the whole world” and they must “vindicate it in all its essence.” In addition, he has pointed out that “the validity of constitutional values ??in the 21st century is at stake in the legal guarantees against the abuse of power and the negative politics of populism.”

He has also alluded to the “evil” called the Democratic Memory Law and has stated that “rewriting the past weakens our future.” In his opinion, this rule “distorts the idea of ??law, memory and democracy.” “A law that has been made against that spirit of the Transition, against that idea of ??consensus and against the values ??that inspire it,” she emphasized.

The ‘number two’ of the PP has indicated that a law must integrate constitutional values ??and respond to the demand of society, something that, in his opinion, the Government of Pedro Sánchez also questions as, as he has said, it has been seen with his initiative to repeal the crime of sedition.