Pôle emploi, the regions or the Opca offer a wide range of training and pathways to employment for job-seekers. How to get a paid training? Our comprehensive guide.
form when there is a job-seeker may represent a step towards a conversion, a development, the acquisition of new skills or the (VAE) the validation of his experience.
Convince the job center. Your training should be part of your PPAE (personalised plan for accessing employment) jointly developed with your advisor Pole employment (or agency participating in the public employment service) at the time of your registration. Keep in mind that the training should increase your chances of a return to employment and that in no case it should only be a sideshow. The meeting with your advisor is crucial : you need to be perfectly clear on what your objectives are before you get there.
What are your real shortages? to prepare For this appointment, make a list of what you enjoyed in your job, you are trying to put in context is “positive”, a mission that you have particularly appreciated, for example. Then, make a list of what you don’t like doing. This first report will give you an objective look at your skills. If you feel that you need help and accuracy in this approach, please do not hesitate to apply for a skills assessment. At the end of this process, you will get to know your possible training needs.
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Financing. Several organizations fund the training of job-seekers, often in the context of partnerships and co-financing : Pole employment and the public employment service, the Regions, the State and the OPCA. This support may, depending on the case, cover educational costs, as well as the remuneration of trainees, according to specific modalities. The funds differ depending on whether you are a recipient or not of the AER (allocation of aid for return to employment) of the unemployment insurance scheme.
Several scenarios are possible
• You can follow a training in the framework of an internship or a work contract of a particular type (apprenticeship contract, professionalization, single insertion ; employment for the future…). One or the other formula determines your status during the training, your compensation and your social protection. In the event of economic dismissal, measures of personalised support will be offered to you under certain conditions : in particular the CSP (contrat de sécurisation professionnelle).
• You can also use your personal Account of formation (CPF). This device replaces the individual Right to training (DIF) on January 1, 2015. It allows job seekers and workers to use the hours to enroll in a training course certification (allowing you to get a degree or a qualification)
• If you were in a CDD (fixed-term contract), you can, under certain conditions, claim a CIF-CDD (individual training leave of the holders of xed-term contracts).
Commitment. Don’t forget that in case of refusal is not legitimate to take the training listed in your PPAE, or according to your professional project, or in case of refusal to refresh your PPAE, you can be removed from the list of job seekers and, accordingly, no longer perceive either temporarily or permanently the payment of your benefits.
1. attend a training when one is unemployed: what you should know
• The training courses accredited by Pôle emploi
• The courses financed by the Region, the State and other actors
2. What is the pay during training ?
3. self-Financing his training when one is unemployed
4. Unemployment : the specific support to the training of job center
• The CSLR (compensation training employment centre), the AFAF (using the costs associated with the training) and assistance to the EAB
• The individual aid to the training of job center
5. Use his personal Account of training
6. Benefit of the CIF-CDD
7. form in the context of a specific work contract
8. form after a dismissal on economic grounds
9. form before the position
• The AFPR (action of training prior to recruitment)
updated 23/09/2014
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Education and unemployment
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• the POE (operational preparation for employment)
updated 23/09/2014