The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, announced this Monday that if the leader of the opposition, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, becomes president of the Government, he will repeal the order that prohibits hunting wolves as they are included in the list of protected species.

In statements to the media from Burón (León), Gamarra denounced the “ideological policy of persecution of ranchers” that, in his opinion, is being carried out by the Chief Executive, Pedro Sánchez, with the prohibition of hunting wolves, which is adds to the energy crisis and the rise in prices affecting the sector.

“There is no scientific data that supports the inclusion of the wolf on that list, it is causing great damage for an ideological reason. Ideology cannot hinder the livelihood of thousands of ranchers and endanger the settlement of the population and the environmental sustainability”, he added.

In this context, he has charged against the ideological imposition of the “Ministry of ecological intransigence” and has expressed concern about the situation of extensive livestock farming, “which is today’s pantry and a guarantee for the future.”

For this reason, he has proposed the launch of a table that aims to promote specific measures in the fiscal field and direct aid, “talking with the sector and going hand in hand”.

However, Gamarra has also insisted on requesting the appearance of the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande Marlaska, for the viewing of the Melilla recordings. “We demand transparency and courage,” he stressed.

He also wanted to respond to the Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares, reproaching him that “the only one that is not up to the task is the Government.” “As a Spaniard, I am ashamed that, after seeing people who died at the Melilla fence, the president said that,” he remarked.

Finally, the ‘popular’ leader also spoke about the “anger” in United We Can after the latest statements by the former party leader, Pablo Iglesias, assuring that the presence of this formation in the Executive generates instability in the Government.

“The Spaniards have become accustomed to instability being a trademark of the Sánchez Executive, because every week we have trouble,” he has sentenced.