Pons believes that the motion of censure is an opposition strategy that “may suit other parties” to “make noise”, but not the PP


The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has been convinced that the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, will pay at the polls for the repeal of sedition because the Spanish feel “cheated, fundamentally the voters of the PSOE”. Given the summons of Vox to Alberto Núñez Feijóo to present a motion of no confidence, she recalled that they do not give the numbers and that the Spanish will make this motion to the President of the Government in the next elections.

“This motion of censure is going to be made by the Spaniards at the polls against Pedro Sánchez. They will have the first opportunity to do so in the month of May in the regional and municipal elections, and they will have a second opportunity to do so in the general elections,” he declared. Gamarra in an interview on Telemadrid, which has been collected by Europa Press.

The also spokesperson for the Popular Group in Congress has assured that Vox “knows perfectly well that the figures do not come out” and has stressed that the PP has to focus on “strengthening” the “alternative” that her party represents “from centrality, seriousness and serenity.” In her understanding, Spain deserves a “different” government from the current one, which “seeks tension and polarization.”

The ‘number two’ of the PP has affirmed that Sánchez “is willing to do anything in order to continue at the head of the Government” and “buy time”. Thus, he has said with this objective he is going to “deliver” the Penal Code to those who attempted against the constitutional order so that they “rewrite” it and their pro-independence partners can “benefit”.

Gamarra has been “convinced” that this will take its toll on Pedro Sánchez in the elections because the Spanish “feel deceived, mainly the PSOE voters, who believed in his word” in the campaign promising to bring former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont to Spain to “put him before Justice” and announcing that he would classify the crime of illegal referendum.

“In the end, Pedro Sánchez will have the answer to this type of policy in the electoral result, which is not conceivable in any other European democracy,” he asserted, adding that in the search for his “personal interest” he will make there politicians that “using the law they stay outside the law”.

Once again, Gamarra has called on the ‘barons’ and socialist parliamentarians to distance themselves from Pedro Sánchez when the repeal of the crime of sedition is voted in Congress, so that they do not support “breaking the equality of Spaniards before the law”.

In his opinion, it is about voting “conscience”, in line with the message with which they asked citizens to vote because “making lies the way to govern, discredits democracy and institutions.” For this reason, he has once again asked them to “rebel to defend the constitutional order before Sánchez”, so that “sanchismo does not end up devouring socialism”.

Gamarra has insisted that if they do not do so, this will have consequences at the polls both for the ‘barons’ and for Sánchez because “the greatest value a politician has is his word” and, “if that trust is broken, the voter in the next polls, remember that and act accordingly”.

After criticizing that Sánchez “frequents little” in Parliament, he has indicated that citizens will have the opportunity to put an end “very soon” to the Government of PSOE and Unidas Podemos, especially when “Spain cannot stand four more years of Pedro Sánchez.” “He has started the countdown”, he has proclaimed, to highlight that Feijóo represents the “alternative”.

In the same way, the PP’s Institutional Deputy Secretary, Esteban González Pons, has summoned the Socialist presidents who say in public that they do not agree with the sedition reform to translate it into votes by telling their deputies to vote accordingly.

When asked if they are putting pressure on the socialist ‘barons’, González Pons has pointed out that the PP does not put pressure on anyone but has stressed that politicians have to show that what they say “are not soap bubbles”.

Regarding the motion of censure that Vox and Cs request, he recalled that in Spain the motion is “constructive”, to give an alternative government, and he stressed that they do not have a “majority to form an alternative government”.

“Making a motion to make noise is an opposition strategy that may suit other parties, but we are in a highly visible position and up in the polls. What Spain needs is not noise, but rather an alternative,” he emphasized in a interview on Antena 3, which has been collected by Europa Press.

González Pons has stressed that “there is no criminal law applied to the person.” “It would be like putting an article that says that the Criminal Code will be applied to everyone except Sánchez’s friends,” he denounced.

In addition, he has indicated that in order to know if the crime of embezzlement is going to be reformed, it is necessary to give “more importance to what Junqueras says than to Sánchez because he is the one who ultimately commands.” And he has warned that if embezzlement is reformed, this reduction will also affect “many criminals who are sentenced to prison.” “Today the government’s traps are opening prisons for criminals,” he concluded.