Feijóo starts his campaign of events tomorrow in Badajoz after designing a map of the CCAA where the repeal of this crime is most angry


The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will travel this Thursday to Badajoz (Extremadura) to participate in an event organized against the repeal of the crime of sedition, which is part of the campaign that the party has designed after handling internal data that ensures that the 70% of the PSOE electorate rejects its elimination and that almost 80% would also be against modifying the crime of embezzlement, according to sources from the formation.

In ‘Génova’ they maintain that the repeal of sedition to “benefit” the independentistas wears down and causes damage to the Socialist Party, especially in territories such as Castilla-La Mancha, Aragón, Extremadura, Madrid or the Valencian Community.

For this reason, it has organized a campaign – under the slogan ‘In defense of a great country’ – with acts in the autonomies where it is most angry to repeal sedition to channel the “outrage” of the citizens at this “new transfer” of Sánchez to the independence movement and other actions such as the ‘only yes is yes’ law which, according to the PP, are generating “an unbreathable climate” in Spain.

According to internal data in the hands of Feijóo’s team at the end of last week, the rejection of the PSOE electorate to the repeal of sedition is above 70%. In the case of the modification of embezzlement, a crime that punishes above all corruption, this rejection is somewhat higher and is close to 80%, ‘popular’ sources have indicated.

The PP has launched a broad offensive against sedition, which includes appeals to socialist deputies to distance themselves from Pedro Sánchez; acts with Feijóo in different provinces to publicly denounce this penal reform; and social media campaign. However, in ‘Génova’ they are aware that, despite the “wear and tear” that this issue currently entails for the PSOE, the socialist voter may not agree in a few months, when it is time to vote at the polls, as the sources consulted.

For now, the PP wants to force the socialist deputies to distance themselves from Sánchez and has asked that the vote this Thursday on the consideration of the PSOE and United Podemos bill be by appeal.

Although the objective of this movement is that the representatives of the PSOE are portrayed in Congress, in ‘Génova’ they take it for granted that none will break the voting discipline. However, they want to record in videos the moment of the vote of each socialist parliamentarian to later remember in each province that he did not oppose repealing sedition when he had the opportunity to do so, ‘popular’ sources have added.

“It is the day of truth for the leaders and deputies of the PSOE. We hear them say a lot that they are opposed to this, but what are they going to vote tomorrow? The key is not what is said but what is done”, has assured this Wednesday at a press conference the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra. The ‘popular’ would have wanted that vote to be secret in a ballot box, but the Regulations do not allow it in this type of debate.

Almost parallel to this debate on sedition in Congress, Feijóo will be in Badajoz starring in the first act of his campaign ‘In defense of a great country’, in which he will be accompanied by the president of the PP of Extremadura, María Guardiola.

The next act will be on Saturday in Madrid and the leader of the PP, the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the mayor of the capital, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, will intervene. The ‘populares’ have chosen the Antonio Magariños sports center, located on the premises of I.E.S Ramiro de Maeztu, which is where Pedro Sánchez studied and played basketball.

Although the PP has not yet detailed the calendar of its next acts, the general coordinator of the party, Elías Bendodo, already advanced last Monday that his intention is to visit Aragón, Castilla-La Mancha, La Rioja and the Valencian Community.