It is said the regime micro-entrepreneur, free or almost, this is not quite true. The law Covenant improves things.
Different costs of creation as well as the many expenses that must be taken into account at the time of starting a micro-enterprise. Here’s the countdown, post by post.
1. The fees and expenses of registration
the registration of The activity is mandatory. It is free for micro-entrepreneurs who register in the Register of commerce and companies (commercial activity) or in the Directory of Professions (craft activity), but the commercial agents have to register for the RSCA (special register of commercial agents) and pay 27 euros.
This free-is apparent because of the associated costs are added up.
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The micro-entrepreneurs who engaged in a craft activity should follow an internship prior to installation (SPI) is provided by the chambers of trades. Cost : between 250 and 260 euros, depending on the departments. The training sessions are very uneven from one room to the other, and there are a lot of expectations for the self-entrepreneurs, which for some, must shift the launch of their business,” says Grégoire Leclercq, president of the Federation of auto-entrepreneurs (Fedae)
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Good news : this course is brought to disappear in the framework of the law Covenant (action Plan for growth and business transformation).
At the time of register, a thirty chambers of commerce and crafts also require a fee for using the constitution of the folders. Count approximately 60 euros. “It is totally illegal and unfair, because this is normally optional. It has no compulsory character”, denounced Gregory Leclercq.
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2. The opening of a bank account dedicated to the activity
This step must be completed within 12 months following the creation of the micro-enterprise. After this period, it is impossible in fact to mix its finances pro, and custom . The costs of opening and managing a bank account, are variable : some online services put a cap at 9 or 9.50 euros per month (Qonto, Boursorama Bank, Anytime…) while others (LCL, Société Générale, Banque Postale, etc) are up to 38 euros monthly. These price differentials can be explained by the proposed services : checkbook, credit card, provision of a payment terminal [editor’s note : indispensable if you need to cash out of clients]… “The law Covenant also plans to remove the obligation for auto-entrepreneurs with less than 5000 euros turnover per year,” stresses Gregory Leclercq.
3. Insurance
A decennial liability insurance is mandatory for micro-entrepreneurs engaged in the building trades. Those who use vehicles (automobile, construction equipment, motorcycle, scooter, truck, trailer, even non-coupled…), must also subscribe to a guarantee of civil liability.
moreover, even if this is not mandatory, it is strongly advised to buy a professional liability insurance. Indeed, like any professional, a micro-entrepreneur is liable for damages caused by himself, his premises and his professional equipment as well as the objects sold, manufactured, repaired, or installed within the framework of his professional activity.
The insurance costs are again variable, but it takes on average 30 to 40 euros per month, and a lot more (around 100/150 euros per month) in the building. Regardless of the subscribed insurance contracts, consider :
-the risks covered, the guarantees, options and exclusions ;
-the adjustment of the amounts of guarantee for the risks involved ;
-the amount of deductibles (amounts that are the responsibility of the professional).
4. The start-up expenses and operation
Software invoices, stationery, raw materials, costs of transport/travel, subscriptions (electricity, telephone, etc.), tools of communication… it is a departure, 200 euros (in case you already have a computer), and then cruise a minimum of 100 euros per month.
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5. Social security charges and taxes
once launched, if you release the revenue, it is necessary to deduct (monthly or quarterly) the amount of the social charges :
– 12.8% for a sales activity,
– 22% for a consulting business or services,
– 22 % for an activity of the liberal party.
In addition to the social contributions, micro-entrepreneurs must pay :
– the contribution to vocational training (0.1% of turnover for merchants ; 0.2% of turnover for professionals and services, 0.3% of sales for the artisans)
– a fee for the costs of consular room (0,015% of the turnover for the traders dependent on the ITC, 0,48% of net sales for the artisans dependent of the chambers of trades and crafts).
At total
“Even if its cost has been increasing steadily in recent years, the plan remains less expensive”, says Gregory Leclercq. And the measures announced in the law Covenant should reduce the invoice.
If we exclude the charges and social contributions, the launch of an activity in micro-enterprise, the cost in minimal version (variable according to the activity and the different options selected) :
– for a craft activity : 610 euros (250 euros SPI, 10 € account, € 150 insurance and 200 euros of start-up expenses),
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– for a commercial activity : 360 € (10 € account, € 150 insurance and 200 euros of start-up expenses).