To find a sign in his image, it is better to know its desires and its strong points. A balance sheet is necessary before you choose the one that will become the ally ideal.

Apart from the characters too independent (which will have interest to undertake solo), and, conversely, the employees in the soul (that will have to stay in this position), any nominee to the franchise may find a network which “sticks to the skin” among the 2 000 existing ones. It is all a question of posture, entrepreneurial, temperament, experience, affinities and skills.

Merchant or commercial ?

Where would you feel most comfortable with ? In a shop or a van ? In the meantime the clients, or by actively marketing itu membership ? What is it that satisfies you the most ? The human relations or business relationships ? Loyalty, or prospect ? Advisor or conquer it ?Depending on your temperament, you will interest to join a network designed for traders or more suited to commercial profiles. “Sensitive, gifted to the host and listening, the trader is often a shy and a perfectionist, analysis François Peltier, coach at TGS Consultants. He needs a familiar, stable team. It shines particularly in the trades of mouth, the ready-to-wear, hospitality…” Opinionated and speaker-born, the commercial, itself, will generally be more comfortable “in the real estate, the assistance to the person, the building, the coaching, etc.”, lists on its side, the consultant Bernard-Yves Saint-Paul.

lone Rider or officer of the regiment ?

consulting, training, brokerage, car wash, laundries, self-service, and other controllers, different repairs, crafts and, of course, very small businesses : many of the activities are suitable for all those who don’t want to or can’t hire. The management, nonetheless, remains central in a number of concepts. And in this case, “let’s be realistic,” judge Caroline Morizot : “It must have already managed to even be a person in the past.”Or prove that you have been able to lead a team (form, control, arbitrate, decide, manage conflict), as the candidate coach amateur basketball, interviewed by Lawrence Fish. Leader of the firm Participates in Future, the latter warns the former executives, who are accustomed to fly dozens of people from their office : “They will have to learn to manage small teams of two or three people, they will be under the eyes permanently.” A whole other year.

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Sense of service or pro of the haggle ?

In the BtoB (sales to businesses), “the relationship of force, quite hard, requires love prior negotiation of contracts, often long-term,” says François Peltier. It must at once be technical, to convince buyers experts, gifted in cold blood and to be a good manager : the transactions are spaced out and the payment later than with individuals. Free, networks, BtoB are in the minority : “You can turn to the cleaning, rat extermination, 3D scans, and all outsourced services,” suggests Bernard-Yves Saint-Paul. He advises also to have an experience in BtoB, “to reuse its portfolio of major accounts, and join an established network with an excellent customer support service.

within the same sector, we find concepts that target business customers (Arthur Loyd real estate) or rather specific (Laforet, Guy Hiccups…). And others who combine the two : “The diners, American Way, for example, offer to companies to be privatised”, mentions Caroline Morizot, founder of CM Consulting.

Side b to c, Bernard-Yves Saint-Paul distinguishes between the ongoing transactions in a store nearby “which require an availability and a quality constant, as well as the sense of contact of a merchant,” and the contracts episodic (real estate, insulation, sale of pools, layout of gardens or terraces…), which require skills that are more commercial.

Technician or manager ?

“I have seen beauticians great to go bankrupt because they have not monitored their accounts,” said David Borgel, consultant and distributor of the recruitment tool FlagFranchise. A good technician wayward to the figures is therefore in your interest to form and to join a network with limited loads (local, personal, and inventory), with operating software specific to assist him. The managers in the soul, them, achieving good performance in activities requiring staff, notes Bernard-Yves Saint-Paul : “They have better margins and make good multi or multi-franchisees.” Provided, however cautions David Borgel, “don’t focus on the permanent reduction of costs, at the risk of antagonizing the customer.” According to him, tax-free, “a manager combined with an operational profile” is the tandem ideal.

Tub or disciplined ?

get a feeling for your personality in terms of taste for risk. Have you moved around so much ? Are you an expatriate ? Have you often changed her position, or even job ? Have you managed a company or an association ? Do you like extreme sports ? Prepare carefully for a trip or do you prefer to improvise ? According to Caroline Morizot, “the candidates more self-reliant and creative will succeed better in the systems, trademark license, distributorship, partnership or co-operative, more flexible and horizontal that the franchise”. Signs in break-in or the rébuckets very participatory, open to suggestions from the field, are also suitable. The adventurers, for whom the freedom and the profit motive outweighs safety, will flourish also in creating more units.

conversely, the temperaments careful and meticulous to win it to join networks of normative, to the repositories, tested, and/or to resume a business with a clientele and a team in place. As many well know his strengths, weaknesses and expectations, before leaving in search of a network. And know how to decipher the functioning of the networks targeted. It is better not to skimp on this step before going over the cap. The key to success lies in good preparation upstream. It can lead to you giving up some dreams to return to choices that are more realistic.

Read our complete file

the offensive of The franchises foreign The secrets of the success of Amorino Five young franchise that will hit

don’t worry, however. If you doubt that your skills are sufficient to the activity that you are passionate about and the brand that you are convinced, all is not lost. Solutions ? Progress thanks to the training and support provided by the franchisor or an associate or an employee who complements you… not going it alone in the adventure is also a guarantee of success !