The former leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, has asked the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, on Monday to clarify “as soon as possible” if she will be a candidate in the next general elections and has assured that the also Minister of Labor owes her achievements to the purple formation “historical” in the Ministry.

In an intervention in ‘El Ágora’ of Cadena Ser, collected by Europa Press, Iglesias has insisted that Díaz “would be the best candidate” of United We Can, but has appealed to him to “clarify it soon to start working”, following the line of the purple party that, in the words of its spokespersons, demanded that the second vice president decide whether or not she “wants to be” her candidate.

At this point, Iglesias has reiterated that “Podemos is going to be respected” in this process and has urged Díaz not to pay attention to “the siren songs” that he is told through “media discourses in progressive sectors” that the candidacy of ‘Sumar’ could be “as an opportunity to destroy Podemos”. “Those attempts are there,” she has maintained.

Likewise, the former Vice President of the Government has wanted there to be an agreement between United We Can and Yolanda Díaz’s platform, emphasizing that the purple formation be respected, which, in his opinion, “has been generous and has opted for the leadership of someone “He is not from his own party.

“It is evident that there is permanent disrespect,” Iglesias stressed after being questioned for his words in Podemos’s ‘Autumn Uni’, who has also asked to “separate the personal from the political” of the political space to the left of the PSOE.

In line, Iglesias has insisted on the confluence with ‘Sumar’. “What more do we want? I think that Podemos is being enormously generous in its approach, although it does not receive the same generosity,” criticized the former vice president, while explaining that the militants of the purple formation felt that they were disrespected when Díaz He attended an event in Valencia with Mónica Oltra and Mónica García, but without the company of Ione Belarra and Irene Montero, ministers of the coalition.

In this regard, he has pointed out that, despite everything, Podemos “swallows disciplinary” and has recalled that what Díaz has done in the Ministry of Labor, which is “historic”, according to Iglesias, has been thanks to the fact that “there was a party ” who “defended her as Minister of Labour”. “That it was not hers, that it was Podemos”, she has stressed, something that she will defend “from the utmost loyalty”.