the data shows: more numerous, more spending, more seekers of comfort and services… seniors are now a target of choice for industry and commerce.

10 years ago, they would have weighed only one-fifth of the population. Tomorrow, a third party. This development obviously poses a problem of society, on a background of addiction and explosion likely expenditure of health. But it is also promising: seekers of autonomy, not all decided to tighten the belt, the elderly have already become a customer of choice. Back in numbers on the promises of the “silver economy”.

Population: 20 million seniors in 2030

more than 60 years of age already account for almost a quarter of the French population. In 2060, this will be one French person out of 3 who will have gray hair, according to the “central scenario” (the most likely) of the Insee. In fact, all of the population growth of France, according to the institute, will be driven by the increase in the number of elderly people: from 2030, they will be more than 20 million, 23 million in 2060.

power Consumption: more than 50% of the expenses of travel, food…

the question “How to consume the seniors?” Credoc responds without surprise that they already represent more than half of health spending (57%) and insurance (56%). But they don’t do that heal: they also know how to be pampered! The all-inclusive tours, the press – stationery and food are already more than half of their income of more than 50 years.

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> read more: Silver economy: seniors are worth gold

Better yet, the body of research has identified the target, which will make dream of marketers: the “seniornaute”. Over 50 years of age with the Internet are two to three times more spenders than those who are not.

Modes of life: home, sweet home in 9 of 10 cases

The French and their elders are unanimous: even less mobile, even dependent on, the seniors will age better with them. 90% of the people surveyed by Opinion Way agree with this statement and only 9% of older people prefer the option of “retirement home”.

It is true that this solution seems costly: according to the same survey, two-thirds of the people who would like to make use of fear of not having the means. However, according to a study by the Afnor, 85% of seniors will dread nothing so much as to be a burden to their families. Therefore, they prefer to arrange their accommodation and the use of in-home services: housekeeping (with 82.8% of them), diy (54.9 per cent) and gardening (40.8 per cent), delivery of courses (42,5%)…

Business: 300 000 new jobs created by 2020

the Result: the “papy boom” will contribute to absorb unemployment, and not only due to retirements. All these new products and services, grouped together under the term “silver economy” is already doing a work close to 100 000 employees.

In 2013, the general commission for strategy and foresight had surveyed 283 companies in the industry and concluded that its turnover was nearing already 56 billion euros. It is known to explode: according to the Dares, the silver economy is expected to create 300 000 jobs between 2013 and 2020.