The French believe in vocational training, but it needs reform. Exclusively, the analysis and proposals of the Institute Montaigne.
On the principle, everyone is for it. In practice, all the world’s criticism. Badly targeted, poorly known and appropriate, vocational training rate, in part, its objective: to give a second chance to employees. This misuse of the human resource is considered as one of the causes of the structural weakness of French growth.
Then Emmanuel Macron, after most of his predecessors, tackles the subject, the Institut Montaigne, a think tank of state-run liberal daily, is dedicated to a study, “Reform of the vocational education and training: going to the end!” survey Elabe in support. Its author, Bertrand Martinot, a specialist in employment issues, former social counsellor at the Elysée under Nicolas Sarkozy, delivers his diagnosis and proposals.
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Because it is very complex for the users, whether they are companies, employees or the unemployed. Because the training is not always perceived as a guarantee of return to employment. Because the lack of information is obvious: the study Elabe for the Montaigne Institute shows that 61% of the respondents did not follow the training because their employer did not provide them with anything. A vast majority of people who saw the training as a sort of medical prescription, and not as a choice that they should be the main actors.
The Express
INTERVIEW >> education Reform: “A CPF improved is a good thing… on paper”
That is to say?
Since 1971, our system is built on a principle of pooling: the companies pay membership fees and the funds collected are managed by joint bodies approved collectors (Opca). The training is offered by the company to its employees. For the unemployed, it is the employment which is to the initiative. The employee is passive, it does not have the necessary funding and it is not encouraged to co-invest, or to use his free time to train. There have been attempts to foster an individual right to training, in order to give more freedom to the employee. All of them have failed. Only 35% of French people know what is the personal account of training (CPF, ex-DIF).
The Express
unions opposed to the individual design of the training. They are afraid that the employees are lost in a maze.
Some of the unionists are opposed to it, they feel that the employees are not fundamentally autonomous. The heads of companies are sometimes against them, also in the name of a vision conservative: the boss thinks that it is he who must decide whether the employee should be trained, when, and to what. It is necessary to leave the assets more autonomy in the choice of their professional development and, for this, to give them the financial means to move.
Your poll confirms that the training is very focused…
Yes, in total, 59% of the assets have already undergone training, but the rate rises to 67% for the CSP+ and drops to 46% for the workers. The most skilled are the most educated: the system does not correct the inequalities.
CHRONIC >> Reform of the vocational education and training: towards a new way of work
However, 81% of French have a good opinion of the training…
as always, this topic is consensual, because, in a perspective meritocratic, the French cultivate the idea of the second chance. It is an abstract image. In reality, 48% of those who received training stated that it has responded only partially to their expectations.
The Express
The paradox is that there has been five reforms in fifteen years. All that for nothing?
These reforms have all been negotiated by the social partners: we can’t expect them to upset the system they have built. Or that they are reforming against their own interest. It has often been said that the training allowed for the funding of employers ‘ organizations and wage: it is no longer the case today. But it remains an instrument of power: each professional branch decides the rate of support training, and can focus on those that it deems useful to its core business. Conversely, she will endow less well the transversal trainings (sales, communication, marketing…), although they are useful to the employees.
The Express
What are your solutions?
The note, published by the Institut Montaigne formulates several proposals. It is necessary to strengthen the party individualized training. We recommend to equip the CPF of 1 to 2 billion euros more. This sum would be drawn on the funds of the Opca (on the $ 7 billion collected in 2016). We would add other resources: the payment défiscalisé leave or RTT, a portion of the severance payments contracts of employment.
It would need to have the CPF in euros and not in hours of training, as today. And also that employees can, with this account, to acquire consulting services in the upstream (information, orientation, assistance with the construction of a professional project) and downstream (investment, training at the job interview). We also suggest that some employees-in-training can be paid, not foreseen today, the CPF. The money would not be taken on training, but on the Unedic in reducing the duration of the compensation: the national association would become a fund of remuneration of assets in the conversion.
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How the employee can find in a wide selection and the quality is very uneven?
It is necessary to create a system of evaluation and certification of training independent, as in Germany, and to seize the opportunities offered by digital technology: creating a “Tripadvisor” of the training. The trainees assess themselves the training they received.
The reform that prepares Emmanuel Macron is she in your way?
Yes, the guidance document sent by the government to the social partners takes on the major issues of this reform, and advocates the individualisation of professional careers. The social partners are generally not favorable and favor the approach by industry. We’ll see if the government will go until the end of its projects.
Methodology of the study Elaberéalisée for the Institut Montaigne
Sample 1300 personnesreprésentatif of the population françaiseâgée 18 years of age and older, consisting selonla method of quotas. Interrogationpar Internet the 4 and 5 January 2018.
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