
The Worldcoin Foundation recently announced a significant grant of $70,000 to Wormhole to support the integration of WorldID verification on the Solana blockchain. This effort is seen as a crucial step in providing the Solana ecosystem with a valuable tool for verifying human identity.

Wormhole, the recipient of the grant, will work on seamlessly allowing Solana-based protocols to verify user IDs that have been previously authenticated on the Ethereum blockchain. This will be made possible through the use of Wormhole Queries in an Ethereum-Solana state bridge service, which will facilitate the transfer of World ID state roots between the two blockchains.

The integration of WorldID on Solana through Wormhole is expected to bring about several benefits. It will open up new possibilities for use cases and showcase the versatility of Wormhole’s multichain infrastructure. Additionally, developers will find it easier to verify IDs and ensure compatibility with future updates in verification methods.

Moreover, this initiative will enhance security and decentralization by preserving user privacy during the verification process. It will also improve cross-chain interoperability, allowing decentralized applications to interact with identity verification systems on Ethereum.

Furthermore, the integration of WorldID on Solana aims to promote financial inclusion by supporting Worldcoin in its mission to provide universal access to the digital economy for ID users worldwide.

In addition to the grant awarded to Wormhole, the Worldcoin Foundation has announced a total of 16 grants, amounting to 289,000 WLD in total. The grants have been distributed to various projects, including Axiom, Proof of Passport, Farcaster Humaniser, and others. These projects are tasked with strengthening the Worldcoin ecosystem through research, development, and educational efforts.

Overall, the integration of WorldID on Solana through Wormhole represents a significant step forward in enhancing identity verification processes on the blockchain. It is expected to bring about increased security, decentralization, and interoperability, ultimately contributing to the growth of the digital economy and financial inclusion on a global scale.