This is the man in the shade of the new system of pension points, the technician of the reform. Portrait.
He likes the violence of Greek tragedy, the rigour of the operas of Gluck, and the long time of the gardening. Not really the kind of man to type in the back of a militant cégétiste around a small foam. Jean-Luc Izard says nothing to the general public. Not for public release protruding. Not reporting to the cookie-cutter. The incarnation of the high-level official dedicated and secret. A bit grey. Right arm of Jean-Paul Delevoye the high commissioner for retirement and now the new secretary of State Lawrence Pietraszewski, Jean-Luc Izard is the chef mechanic of this major pension reform. “During all these months of discussions, it has been both the architect and the master of the work. Of all of our stakeholders, it is the most technical,” says Frederic Seve, the negotiator of the CFDT.
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This sexagenarian is not really a newcomer in the small world of social protection. He has done his entire career. Before joining the team Delevoye, he led the public interest group (GIP) Info Retirement, the body responsible for providing uniform information to all the French on their pension rights. The subtleties of the 42 plans, he knows them by heart. The pitfalls of a social conflict that has dragged on, too. In 1995, already, to the management of the social security, he joined a commission set up by Alain Juppé on the harmonisation of the special schemes. A committee Crossover which will serve as a fuse when the Prime Minister will throw in the towel.
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pension Reform Macron
The pension reform could be “set aside”, according to Gilles, The Son-in-law Retreats : after the 49-3 at the Meeting, the battle for the Senate is preparing to Pensions : the macronistes reject the commission of inquiry desired by the socialists
The pension system is universal, it is a little like his baby. As during the presidential campaign, he was an integral part of these senior officials with the Selma Mahfouz, the current director of the DARES (directorate of studies and statistics of the ministry of labour), to floor on the subject at the side of the economist Jean Pisani-Ferry and David Amiel, the two major organizers of the economic program of Emmanuel Macron. Except that at the time, it was not a matter of age pivot or reform parametric. “He has always been convinced that it could not be done at the same time the big leap in a universal regime and the return to financial balance,” explains a close to the folder. Questioned on the subject, Izard, top civil servant zealous, not loose anything. But do not think less.