The president of the Government of Aragon and general secretary of the regional PSOE, Javier Lambán, has rectified his words yesterday in which he assured that Spain would have done “better” if the former Asturian president Javier Fernández had been the general secretary of the PSOE instead of Pedro Sánchez and has ensured that there is “absolutely no breach of trust” in the match between the regional and national levels.

“I am the president of Aragon, I will always tell the Aragonese my opinions, but they should also know that I am loyal to the Government of Spain, I hope that loyalty is reciprocal” because “this government –central– is being good for Aragon and We will continue to collaborate with him.” “The harmony is total, we are all in a federal project, Aragón the first, and there are many challenges and challenges so that at this moment there is no disagreement or bankruptcy,” he emphasized.

Lambán spoke with the federal secretary for Organization, Santos Cerdán, after the speech he made this Wednesday at a discussion table, at the Aljafería Palace, seat of the regional Parliament, with the former regional presidents Javier Fernández, from Asturias, and Juan Vicente Herrera, from Castilla y León.

Lambán regretted –in his speech yesterday– that when Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba resigned –in 2014– Fernández refused to assume the general secretary of the federal PSOE: “This country would have done better if Javier had assumed that responsibility,” he said Lambán this Wednesday. Today he has made it clear that “under no circumstances” should the situation that his party experienced at the national level in 2014, after the resignation of Rubalcaba, be “repeated or remembered”.

In the corridors of the Cortes, this Thursday, Lambán has exposed that he professes “affection, intellectual, moral and political admiration” towards Javier Fernández. “Yesterday I dedicated myself to praising him, but I said some words that were manifestly inappropriate and unfortunate because they gave rise to interpretations that, in no way, had to do with what I wanted to say,” he explained.

He stressed that what he commented yesterday concerns what happened “eight years ago” and, in fact, Javier Fernández has retired from politics “many years ago”. Lambán has added: “The last thing you want is to be involved in a controversy, as I involuntarily did yesterday.”

“What I said yesterday they heard me say in the Regional Committee of the PSOE, which is always done with the presence of the media,” Javier Lambán continued, making it clear that his attitude towards the Government of Spain is not “disloyal, not uncooperative, quite the contrary” and he says what he thinks with Pedro Sánchez, as he did at the time with Rubalcaba and Zapatero.

“I am in a party where there is freedom of expression”, but it must be exercised “with intelligence so that it is compatible with loyalty and collaboration”, said Lambán, who has insisted that in the last Regional Committee he expressed his “discrepancies” , but also “to what extent the collaboration of the Government of Spain and the Government of Aragon is very high”, with many projects by different ministers, even with the president he has something important on his hands, he mentioned.

In the Regional Committee –last week– he also pointed out –he recalled today– that “the social and economic policies that the Government of Spain is developing are beginning to be copied by other European countries, especially those related to energy , and this relationship of mine is intended to be presented as having insurmountable gaps and it is not such”, but rather consists of “telling the truth to the Aragonese and collaborating intensely with the Government” and being “loyal” to his party.