Pain in muscles and joints?

Imagine if we had heard Erna Solberg say something like this in a conversation with a friend. Imagine if she had had sex with a porn star and paid him to keep shut up. Think about it at a press conference had etterapa and bullied a woman in the audience with cerebral palsy. Think about her every single day had been caught in a lie. Imagine if she had added the media for the hatred and said “fake news” every time she was criticized. Imagine if she ever had talked nedsetjande about forgjengaren his and promised to do if at all he had completed. Imagine if she had been a shelf of nazistar and rasistar. Imagine if she had been suspected to cooperate with Russia on valjuks.

Columnist Earl Wåge

is the debater, writer, and former winner of the tell-competition “Storyslam”. Photo: Sunniva Halvorsen

Last published posts locally-sourced populism Common front against religious fundamentalism, This is a perverse abuse enough is Enough Abid Raja is not the bad guy

Had the people of norway and said: “Yes. Ho will we have as prime minister”?

this more to the has Donald Trump done. Nevertheless, the chosen americans that he the president. Never have the american people been more divided than under Trump. Nevertheless, the increased popularity of his in the beginning of the term. The economy went well, and it was created new jobs.

I am himmelfallen of how people allow themselves to blind and seduce of oransjemannen. How can evangelical fundamentalistar shelf he as a messenger of God although he will break it one after the other of them God’s holy commandments? How can people cheer him when he’s on the dictatorial show is trying to take control over the media and ban them, who criticize him from the pressekonferansar? Why do not republican politicians riot when he tries to override the courts? See they not that this is any attack to the democracy which the nation is based on?

But no. Blodfansen follow him like a blind flock of sheep, and forgiving all the antics and escapade. All criticisms from slipping off as he is covered in teflon. Also in Norway, he has cult status among some. Carl I. Hagen felt that he finally had found say soulmate. Frp parhestane Per-Willy Amundsen and Christian Tybring-gjedde was so over themselves with excitement to Trump their efforts for war and peace and so that they as well nominated him for the Nobel peace prize. Tybring-gjedde who recently took a Trump and left the parliamentary assembly room because he was confronted with the point of view he is not liked.

locally-sourced populism Columnist

As show koronaviruset up. A virus from hell at the same time on the perverst show can prove to be a gudegåve to them that will have Trump removed. Suddenly could not ship America safely through the brottsjøar and brenningar. Trump had received a pandemic to hanskast with that he knew how he would cope. He taxed more and more on a skitfull skipskaptein that ruled entirely without goals and mêd.

First skrytte he of China, and their valiant battle against the virus. Samtstundes make he americans that this was a safe flu. So although he that korona was some trickery demokratane had found on to set him in a bad light. Moreover, it would be gone in the course of april, and in any case lost when it was warmer aloft.

While he bagatelliserte and bortforklarte, the start of the infection and dødstala to rise. In the united STATES faster than in many other countries. Then divide the Trump tactic. No, it would due to a of all other. “Kinaviruset” which he began to call it, was China’s fault. And Obama, of course. Not to mention, The “do nothing Democrats”. Delstatane relax not away. They did for small. Or for much. The “Lamestream media”, as he yndar to call the fourth estate, was also syndebukkar.

The only one without fault and blemish is he. Had he not resolutely stop all air traffic from China, yes, then it would have been bad. “We have done a fantastic job in the fight against COVID-19”, is omkvedet his.

But it has come scratches in the paint. More people have gjennomskua humbugen. Twitter, which has long been talarstol for strange utspel from Trump, have started to notice with utropsteikn and faktasjekke directly usanningar he lirer of there. While pressed against him, and he loses popularity, he shall with ever more bizarre utspel. As to refuse to go with the mask. He is open to try out the special chemical detergent to heal koronasjuke. In addition, the promoting he malariamedisin that he, in spite of åtvaringar from the water, claiming that he himself uses as forebyggjande medicine.

– Scary Debate

the Number of koronadødsfall in the united STATES is 100 000, and there are two million suffering. With such dramatic figures, it is difficult to overtyde electors that he has succeeded. When the economy is in addition serious svekka of koronakrisen, is the situation with everything else than lysteleg for the president.

Too many he is still a kultperson. These follow him in thick and thin. Oppmuntra of Trump (“They are good people”) demonstrates the heavily armed fans in the delstatshuvudstader to get gjenopna community. Other spyttar and hostar on and go physically to the attack on the guards a number of people without masks not allowed into the shops where such is påbodne. Are they not in a free country, maybe?

If koronadødstala continues to increase and it runs the skeis with the economy, Trump probably history after the next election. The thought of what his armed fans can find on about them nectar to approve a valnederlag, is frightening.

It is even much more frightening, is mulegheita that americans can find to give him four more years in The white house and thus the authority to do what the heck he wants. God help America then. Yes, the rest of the world also.

He gives self-medication a face Comment

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