This is the new version of Kashmir, which was launched 7 years ago, aimed at the high net worth clientele of The Postal Bank.
there had Kashmir in 2009, and then Cashmere 2 launched in 2014. This contract, which already weighs 5.3 billion euros, is aimed at the high net worth clientele of The Bank, Postal, since it opens with 25 000 euros. The fee to 3 % on the payments are to negotiate. On the stock, it takes 0.85% per year, a rate decreasing according to the amounts managed. The trade-offs are free of charge, except in automated management. The guaranteed floor is optional and charged.
euro Funds concern
A hundred channels, including some that are managed outside of the group, are available. The fund, in euros, has yielded 2.35 per cent minimum last year. The past experiences on other heritage products of the bank (such as Ascendo : 2 % in 2015, with a lower management fee) do not lend themselves to optimism.
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