A portion of the funds is invested in companies of insertion or managed according to the criteria of socially responsible investment.

30 euros are enough to open the mpt of the Maif launched in 2009. It is a contract simple, with nine fund called solidarity. A part of them are invested in social enterprises or managed according to the criteria of socially responsible investment. A formula “life-Projects” allows you to mix and match media and risky funds in euros, with a progressive security of the capital. The costs are contained, to 2.40% on payments (2,20% if they are regular) and a sliding scale of up to 1 % for payments of 150000 euros or more. Side management : 0.60% on the fund in euros and 0.70 % on the fund is risky.

Good reserves

With a rate of 2.75 % last year, the funds in euros shows a drop of 35 cents compared to 2014. At the same time, the insurer has inflated its reserves, which is equivalent to 3.36 % yield. Good point : unlike years past, the insurer has served in 2015 the same rate on his historic contract closed at the time of subscription, New Cap.

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