life insurance contracts offered on the Internet are in the viewfinder of the insurer Generali. It calls for increases in management fees. The online broker Linxea plays the slingers.

at the Beginning of October, Boursorama announced to its customers an overhaul of the management fee on his life insurance. In consideration of the effort tariff on the units of account, the online bank to enhance the fees levied on the funds in euros of his contract, insured by Generali. Because it is the insurer that issued that decision.

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where our about – conditional – to a next higher management fees of funds in euro among all the online brokers offering life insurance with Generali (Read our article regarding the increase of management fees). The Italian insurer has already managed to get its distributors that the capital guarantee contracts are gross of management fees,…

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Only affected new contracts

But it seems that the negotiation is more difficult on the rates, a subject particularly sensitive for the clients. Linxea we informed having discussed the matter with the insurer. A tile for the broker who communicates a lot on its costs to the floor, a veritable trademark. He has thus obtained that only new contracts are affected by the tariff increase.

The old clients, including whether they are new instalments, there will not, therefore, the costs, if we dare to say ! A lesser evil since Linxea explains achieve very little new business on his contract insured by Generali, whose funds, in euros, are currently less attractive than those of Spirica and Suravenir, he has also in store. Suravenir which we stated that an increase of the management fee was not currently planned.

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Recall that the agreement in question, Linxea Life (insured by Generali), includes management fees of 0.60% on the units of account and on Eurossima and 0.75 % on Netissima.