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How to writing she assigned the notes to their contracts ? Each contract is starred. It is our overall opinion on the product, a sort of medium between our conclusions on the characteristics of the contract, the yields of its funds in euros and the quality of its funds at risk.

In detail, we first considered the backbone of the contract : the cost, its flexibility, the additional coverages, options… On the funds in euros, the performance is analyzed over several time scales, including the period 2013-2016.

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But we also take into account the history of the insurer on other contracts and its practice in the allocation rate.

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Two types of life insurance are worth more than a life Insurance : how to earn more life Insurance : what to do in the face of declining rates?

Finally, the rest of the offer is also being evaluated. This applies only to multi-media. Our analysis is based on the number of funds offered, their diversity, their openness to the multi-management and the presence, also, of media real estate.