A fund in euro in decline, but a financial offer that is interesting with three funds at risk.

Marketed since 2013 by the foresight group Malakoff Médéric, this contract is quite ordinary. Its euro funds emerged to 2.28% in 2015, a significant decrease of 40 cents from a year ago. It will be recalled that former contracts of the group Malakoff, such as Future Retirement Savings, have had air holes durable in their remuneration. The supply of funds proposed in parallel, albeit simplified, is interesting. There are indeed three media profiles according to a level of risk determined. Among them, the famous Carmignac Patrimoine.

Charges without appeal

Available with 800 euros minimum, the mpt has the flexibility expected of a life insurance modern : a partial withdrawal without a fee, advance, cash-outs are scheduled. However, the grid fee is not advantageous for a contract so simple. Costs on instalments are fixed at 3.50 %. On the management, intend to 0.70 per cent on the outstanding amount. Arbitration can also be carried out without charge each year.

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Two types of life insurance are worth more than a life Insurance : how to earn more life Insurance : what to do in the face of declining rates?

Funds in euros : 1/4

Other funds : 2/4