With higher yields and lower costs, the life insurance contracts of the Web have everything to please.

Strong growth insolent, the life insurance on the Internet is not meeting with the success it deserves. However, the contracts of online brokers have it all. Next to profitability, they rely on funds in euros risk-free displaying between 2 and 3% yield in 2017, according to the insurers and the terms and conditions to qualify for a bonus. With the contract Fortuneo Life, for example, clients have access to two euro-denominated funds of the insurer On the future.

Seven brokers life insurance online

Sources: GoodValueForMoney.had, dealers

The Express

“Their rates in 2017 have been 2% for the fund Suravenir Yield and 2.8% for Suravenir Opportunity,” says Gregory Guermonprez, managing director of Fortuneo France. Suravenir Opportunity is reserved for customers placing at least 40% of their payments on financial instruments as units of account (UA), in particular stock market funds or real estate. This practice is widespread, all you find the funds in euros to a handful of insurers in all contracts on the Internet, Suravenir and Generali in the lead, followed by SwissLife and Spirica, a subsidiary of the Crédit agricole.

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For Boursorama or ING Direct, customers can place 100% of their payments into the fund Eurossima (1,77% in 2017), but to access the Netissima (2.1% in 2017), they must place at least 30% on media-less guaranteed. Same thing with Spirica, which has two euro-denominated funds : the general assets, with a rate of 2% in 2017, and the fund’s Euro Allocation Long-Term and 3% in 2017 for the customers agreeing to place at least 40% on investments that are less safe.

“life insurance online represents less than 3% of the collection”

“For investors committed to the security of the fund in euros, but who want to diversify their contract, this surplus of yield is a good compromise when you want to discover other investments,” explains Antoine Delon, president of Linxea.

The second advantage of online contracts? They give you access to hundreds of funds diversified, stock or real estate, with zero fee payment, and often zero arbitration costs between these funds. Thus, the amounts placed on these products of diversification have reached 31% of all payments last year in Linxea, 39% in Altaprofits, 46% in Placement-Direct.fr and 60% for My Investments. francs At the head of the choices of their customers, there are investment funds that is flexible, such as the Sextant Grand large, or Carmignac Patrimoine. The real estate investment trusts (REITS) were also popular with these customers.

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The online brokers have the potential to attract more followers. “People buy everything on Internet, but life insurance online still accounts for less than 3% of the collection, despite its advantages,” says Chris Weaver, managing director of Altaprofits. The pioneers of the life insurance on the Internet, created in the early 2000s, joined by new competitors have labeled “fintech”, cumuleraient 25 billion euros of savings, or 1.5% of the market… the potential will demand that to be revealed.