He considers the ‘Pegasus’ case over and says that citizens are not worried about espionage that “they don’t even understand it”
The Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop, on Monday asked the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to explain why he is afraid of renewing the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) -which has expired for three years, and has accused him to “politicize” the Judiciary with this blockade.
In an interview on Telecinco, collected by Europa Press, Llop has made the PP ugly for not renewing the governing body of the judges because “there is no greater politicization of the judiciary.” “What are you afraid of?” the minister questioned, after criticizing that the government is being questioned when the leading opposition party “has had three leaders in four years” and they “a consolidated leader”.
Regarding the Pegasus case, Llop considers that it is “overcome” because the president has given the “timely explanations” appearing “in an exercise of transparency and democratic maturity.” In addition, he has pointed out that citizens are “concerned” about the shopping cart, the electricity bill, work or pensions and not about espionage cases that “they don’t even understand.”
When asked about the increase in judicial control over the National Intelligence Center (CNI) announced by the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, LLop pointed out that they are working on a reform of the legislation, although he cannot advance anything. However, she has celebrated that there is more judicial control because, in this way, they are defending “the respect and dependence” of the judges.
Sánchez was willing last week in the plenary session of the Congress of Deputies to study the initiative proposed by the PNV to increase judicial control over the CNI after the espionage cases.
Lastly, in relation to the Andalusian elections, Llop pointed out that the poll “that should matter” is that of the votes, at the same time that he expressed his conviction that Andalusia has not become “conservative” in three years.