JUPOL and JUCIL, the majority organizations within the National Police and the Civil Guard, have shown this Monday their concern at the Government’s initiative to eliminate the crime of sedition from the Penal Code, since they consider that it “hinders” their role in defense of the unity of Spain by “undermining coexistence, the sovereignty of the Spanish people and the constitutional order”.

In a statement also signed by the Jusapol platform, the police organizations consider that this measure responds to “political interests of the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, and not to a need for legislation, nor to the feeling of the majority of the Spanish people.”

“In addition to the defense of the Magna Carta, the protected legal right is public order and social peace, a mission entrusted to both the Civil Guard and the National Police Corps,” point out JUCIL and JUPOL, both organizations that emerged as a result of the demands of Jusapol to achieve a “real” wage equalization with regional and local police.

Both the general secretary of JUPOL, Aarón Rivero, and the general secretary of JUCIL, Ernesto Vilariño, have described as “irresponsible that the State is disarmed and with it the Security Forces and Bodies, undermining coexistence, the sovereignty of the Spanish people and our constitutional order”.

“We urge the Government to reconsider its intention to eliminate the crime of sedition from the Penal Code”, they pointed out in their statement, in which they highlight that the organizations make this assessment underlining its apolitical nature, which they understand “is not an obstacle or limit” in its objective of defending the socio-labor rights of the members of the State Security Forces and Bodies.

“We feel authorized to participate actively in the defense of the legislation that affects the daily activity of national police and civil guards, as happened on November 27, 2021, when we demonstrated to express our opposition in a forceful way. to the amendments that were intended to be introduced in the Citizen Security Law and that, as in this case, undermined the authority of the agents in their defense of the law”, they conclude.