Founder of two networks of mutual assistance in the creation and development of enterprises, Marie Eloy tells of the forces and barriers for female entrepreneurship.

to Encourage women to dare to create and develop their business, this is the whole philosophy of the two networks, one associative, the other business, including Marie Eloy is the president. In 2014, she founded Women of Britain, a mutual aid network regional that makes the link between women who wish to undertake in the same territory.

Two years later, it jumps to turn the not, creating his first company, Move your Box, a network referral business exclusively for women. “It was life-saving because it has allowed me to see all of the obstacles that we encounter to fund his business. In France, 79% of women start their own business with no funding… I was in this case !” she recalls.

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“The courage to say, is an asset in business” Entrepreneurs, if they stop to say : “I’m not doing this for the money,” “fear, an ally for the entrepreneur”

the most exciting times of difficulties the most influential find the testimony of five episodes of Mary Eloy in Books entrepreneurs.