The Spanish Troop and Marine Association ATME has asked the Ministry of Defense to create a medal that recognizes members of the Armed Forces who suffer consequences as a result of accidents suffered in the act of service.

ATME underlines the “sacrifice” that has meant for many soldiers to suffer accidents during the service, often generating a series of physical sequelae that requires their declaration as ‘fit with limitations’ or even separation from service.

This he believes should be reciprocated through thanks in the form of a military reward. And he gives as an example the old ‘Medalla de Sufrimientos por la Patria’, a Spanish decoration created in 1814 to reward members of the Spanish Army and other allied nations, for having been wounded in combat, repealed in 1989.

ATME has made this claim through a proposal sent to the Ministry of Defense requesting that the ‘Medal of Suffering’ be recovered, with that or another name, as a “show of gratitude to all these soldiers”.