Mohamed Said Badaoui, the Islamic leader residing in Reus (Tarragona) expelled from Spain whom the National Police accuses of being a danger to national security for participating in “pro-jihadist” activities, has published a video on his social networks together with Amarouch Azbir , another activist who has also been expelled, leaving a police station in Casablanca, Morocco.

“We are here in Morocco, in Casablanca, we just left the police stations. The treatment of the Moroccan Police has been exemplary, cordial, they have done the work they had to do due to the unfair complaints made by the National Police against us”, says Said Badaoui, who appears next to Azbir.

In the video, he explains how on Friday night the National Police went to look for them from the center for foreigners in Barcelona and took them to Madrid by car, where they arrived around 5 in the morning. “A plane was waiting for just the two of us, so you can see what they have done to do everything possible to expel us from Spain,” adds Badaoui.

Mohamed Said was arrested on October 19 and, during his stay at a CIE, he has received visits from NGOs and human rights associations.

ERC, CUP, Junts and Unidas Podemos-En Comú Podem denounced after his arrest that Mohamed Said is a victim of “political repression through the Aliens Law”. Hence, they urged the Generalitat of Catalonia to “activate all administrative, legal and diplomatic tools to ensure their rights.”

However, the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the National Court (AN) rejected last Thursday, October 20, to suspend the expulsion of Mohamed Said, whom the Police profile as “one of the main references in Spain of the most salafist orthodox”, responsible for the “increase in radicalism in the Tarragona region because of his speech”.

The decision of the National Court also affected Amarouch Azbir, arrested for the same reasons of being a danger to national security, when the magistrates dismissed the very precautionary measures requested by Said and Azbir in the appeals presented by both against the resolution issued on the past 14 September by the Secretary of State for Security of the Ministry of the Interior. In said resolution, it was agreed to expel him from the national territory and prohibited them from returning in ten years.

In the case of Said, the Chamber recalled that the Interior’s decision is based on a complaint from the General Information Commissioner warning of “his ideological radicalism”, specifically mentioning the “indoctrination” in his community through the dissemination of “postulates pro-jihadists”. The car reflected that he had been transferred from Reus to Madrid “to be expelled tomorrow”, in reference to Friday, October 21.

Thus, the Police define him as “one of the main references in Spain of the most orthodox Salafism, which he preaches, with such influence that, since his arrival, there has been an increase in radicalism in the Tarragona region because of his speech “. In addition, he warns that he would have “ties to radical individuals related to terrorism.”

It details that Said has dedicated himself “for years” to “proselytizing and recruitment activities, especially with the most vulnerable and manipulable groups, paying special attention to minors, specifically unaccompanied minors, mainly of Moroccan origin, indoctrinating them in the most radical Salafism”. He would also have dedicated himself to promoting “victimism and occidentalophobia”.

However, the Chamber considers that in this specific case the interests of a “general nature” should prevail over those of a personal nature, since it is accused of “a very serious infraction provided for in article 54.1.a) of the Organic Law 4 /2000, of January 11, which classifies as such participation in activities contrary to national security or that may harm Spain’s relations with other countries”.

The magistrates emphasize that the rejection of the very precautionary measures does not prevent the appeals from continuing their course in the National Court. For the Chamber, their eventual expulsion will not cause irreparable damage, although it will be “difficult to repair”, since if Justice finally agrees with Said and Azbir “no obstacle is seen in the return to our country and, if applicable, the repair of the damages caused”.