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name name , there is little doubt which forces in the united STATES, the chinese foreign minister Wang Yi believes that the flare to the new cold war. It is the premier and most unpredictable power of them all, president Donald Trump. He is as known a simple man, and have one agenda, re-election in november. Cost what it cost will.
To use he the oldest and simplest of all cards in the deck; mobilization against an external enemy. The enemy that is pointed out is China. It is because it is the easiest fiendebildet in Trumps deck. China is the country of origin to coronaviruset which is now raging the united STATES, soon has taken the life of 100 000 people there and threatens to cripple the american economy. The figures for unemployment is the biggest since the great depression that devastated the united STATES in the 1930s. And although China so far – and at a high price – have tamed the virus, so do not have Trumps the united STATES made it.
DELETE FREAK?: Donald Trump fight again. Against corona, against China, and against themselves. Photo: AFP / NTB Scanpix Show more
China is done to the scapegoat for virus’s ravages in the united STATES because the country is not informed sufficiently and early enough about its existence, thinks Trump, and has well on the way to a point. But while local authorities in the Wuhan first attempted to sweep the virus under the rug, received the central authorities after each very effective control, so the UN body, the World health organization, WHO, has praised. With on the bandwagon of Trumps enemies is, therefore, WHO, as Trump has paused support to, because the organization has shown a great understanding of China’s interaction with the virus. The WHO is now also a krigsskueplass of the United states 45. president.
By the side of the destruction that is caused by coronaviruset, it is also a political virus that spreads in the united STATES, said Wang, quite precisely, on Sunday. In addition to coronaen we have handelskrigen on China, which Trump notified long before he became president. 15. march said a pretty furten Trump that now he would not talk with the chinese president Xi Jinping more, and that he considered in all cut relations with China. Cost what it cost will
All this can be see in connection with the Trumps the need for an external enemy to mobilize for their own re-election in november. But behind the konfliktbildet is more basic things than a skadeskutt Trump, who once again struck by the self-firing gun trap. Behind this is that China is a country that over the last 30 years has had an amazing economic growth of an average of six percent each year. Behind this is a self-conscious – and, many believe, revansjistisk – China, which will challenge the Us authority as the world leading power.
Therefore be discussed a 2500 year old Greek historian in China today, and among those who are interested in maktforholdet between the super-power on the way down, the united STATES, and the super-power on the way up, China. In the peloponnesian war wrote Thykydides of the wars between the aspiring athenians, who challenged the spartans. About the relationship between the established major power, and the challenge.
Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError ANSWERS a REPORTER: A reporter with a face mask was criticized when he asked questions to the Trump. Video/photo: AP/NTB Scanpix Show more
In the world of zero-sum-game in which In each case Trump, and to a certain extent Xi relate to, is that in such a case only one winner, while the other is doomed to be a loser. As Thykydides so challenging precisely formulated in such a world view till this very: “The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.” For 2500 years, so has the story of the complicated relationship between an existing and an aspiring great power mostly given Thykydides right. This is the case also if we costs on us to look away from such a special and unpredictable circumstances which the person is Donald Trump.
This happens at a time that are otherwise rich in comic tildragelser. For this week end The chinese national people’s congress, its annual parliamentary session. This sandpåstrøingsorganet for Xis ever more extensive omnipotence acting on group shots with the mandatory munnbindet, which confusingly appears as a collective gag order. While Trump on his side refuses to go with the face mask, even if he – above anyone else – strictly speaking, should have had muzzles. For in the weekend so it became clear that malariamedisinen as he says he is taking against coronaviruset, hydroxychloroquine, does not help against corona in a all, but on the contrary can lead to serious hjertetrøbbel and death.
He gives self-medication a face Comment
this is image of on one side an aspiring great power with the collective muzzle, and on the other hand, a world power in trouble with a leader that historically is quite extraordinarily deceitful and incompetent. That, strictly speaking, should have had muzzles, and that underlines their incompetence, among other things by refusing to wear a face mask.
Confused? Yes, and no. Yes, because in this place is particularly much wrap around the Donald Trump. No, because behind everything wrapped so is the basic contradiction between an aspiring great power and a great power in trouble, structural. So Thykydides told us 500 years before our era.
Trump is an authoritarian Leader
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