He tries to locate the vehicle in a car wash in the Argales Industrial Estate twelve hours after the young woman disappeared


Members of the Civil Guard have gone this morning to the Polígono de Argales, in the capital Valladolid, on the occasion of the investigations they are carrying out to try to certify that the vehicle of the main suspect in the death of the neighbor of Traspinedo Esther López cleaned her vehicle hours later at a local car wash.

The Armed Institute’s device has focused on the service station located at number 51 Avenida de Zamora, where on January 13 cameras recorded the entry of a car into the car wash that, according to investigators, was corresponds to the one that Óscar S.M. was driving, despite the fact that neither the license plate nor the person behind the wheel can be seen in the images and that the aforementioned himself has denied having entered said facilities that morning and that he left them fifteen minutes later, as confirmed by Europa Press sources of the case.

The agents have come accompanied by operators of the Galician company Ingeniería y Seguridad Vial (ISV) in order for them to carry out a series of 3D measurements to verify that the vehicle collected in the cameras of the gas station matches the Volkswagen T-Roc property of the principal investigated, in accordance with the task entrusted by the head of the Investigating Court 5 of Valladolid, Soledad Ortega, in charge of the case.

The ISV technicians, the same sources have explained, have carried out a scan of areas of the car wash through which the tourism collected in the security camera of the gas station moved, which they will later superimpose in order to determine if said measures, in 3 D , match those of a T-Roc, which is the model owned by the prime suspect.

To date, most of the reports made by the Central Operative Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard directed all suspicions towards the person of Óscar S.M., also a resident of Traspinedo, supposedly the last person that on the night of the proceedings, on January, he saw her alive and took her in his vehicle after a night of partying.

Initially, the investigations fell on the also residents of Traspinedo Ramón J.G.F, the only one who has been deprived of liberty for almost a week, and Lucio Carlos G.D. (‘Carolo’), although the constant trickle of reports from the Benemérita on the case have left both in the background and have put Óscar S.M.

Among these tests, the UCO has relied on the fact that the mobile phones of the victim and the suspect were disconnected at the same time on the night of the proceedings, as well as on the compatibility that her mobile was positioned around 03.26.25. hours at Óscar’s family home, on plot four of the El Romeral de Traspinedo Urbanization, despite the fact that he has actively and passively denied having been with her in the building that morning.

The manipulation of the control unit of the Volkswagen T-Roc, owned by Óscar, with the deletion of events and faults registered on February 1 and April 2, supposedly to eliminate any information about the movements of the vehicle; the discovery of traces of her DNA in the trunk of the mentioned car, and the compatibility between a fiber of the jacket that the victim was wearing and that obtained in Óscar’s house appear, among others, as part of the evidence that in court of the UCO incriminate the person investigated in the disappearance and death of the young woman.

The victim’s family, through his legal representative, had already unsuccessfully requested Óscar’s imprisonment, understanding that the evidence obtained so far was more than enough to initiate criminal proceedings against him and put him behind bars, waiting for the corresponding trial by popular jury.

However, the investigator of the case, in accordance with the prosecutor in the case, has agreed to keep the investigated on provisional release, whose phone has been ‘tapped’ and his vehicle ‘marked’ to monitor his conversations and movements , respectively.

Meanwhile, Traspinedo continues to gather every month in memory of the disappearance and death of her neighbor ten months ago and to demand Justice through the arrest of the author or authors involved in the events.

The investigations have maintained to date the thesis that Esther López Tras, whose body was found on February 5 in a ditch on the outskirts of Traspinedo, on the N-122 highway, suffered an accident and that it was not the cause. of death but the hypothermia suffered by the neighbor of Traspinedo in the hours after the impact.

The forensic report pointed out that the victim was run over that night when he was wandering on the right side of the road towards the town and that the impact was “at medium or low speed”, without the blow, mainly at the level of the left buttock. , had sufficient entity to cause his death, produced a posteriori by a possible combination of factors such as shock and hypothermia.

Traspinedo’s neighbor was wanted since her parents filed a complaint on the 17th, after she gave no signs of life after having spent the night of her disappearance watching the Super Cup match between Barcelona and Real in a town bar Madrid and then the party will continue with some friends at the house of one of them and later in some wineries.

That was the version provided by the two people she was with that night before she lost track of her, Traspinedo’s neighbors Óscar and Carlos, who traveled with her in the former’s car back home and who, according to recounted with some contradictions, he stopped in front of the La Maña restaurant.

In the story offered, Carlos got out of the vehicle to go home and then Óscar and Esther argued because she wanted to continue partying and he left her nearby, without hearing from the woman in the last twenty-four years. days.