
FragPunk, a new hero shooter unveiled at the Xbox Games Showcase, is set to have a closed alpha test on Steam later this month. This five-versus-five free-to-play online shooter stands out with its vibrant stylized graphics and unique card-based twist. Players will have the opportunity to use shard cards in their loadout to alter the rules of gameplay, adding an exciting element to the traditional shooter genre.

Developer Bad Guitar is confident that FragPunk will offer endless replay value due to its diverse selection of heroes, weapons, maps, and most notably, shard cards. The alpha test will feature 70 shard cards, each with its unique ability to shake up the gameplay experience. From turning the world upside down to powering up weapons with dragon’s breath, players will have a wide range of tactical options at their disposal.

Moreover, the alpha test will introduce 10 playable heroes with distinct abilities, four maps to explore, and 15 weapons to master. Scheduled to run from June 27th to July 1st, the alpha test will primarily focus on North America. Interested players can register on the game’s website or through Steam to participate in this early look at FragPunk.

With a full release planned for 2025 on Xbox Series X/S and PC, this alpha test offers gamers a sneak peek at what’s to come in the world of FragPunk. Stay tuned for more updates on this innovative hero shooter as it continues to evolve. In the meantime, be sure to catch up on all the latest announcements from the Xbox Games Showcase to stay in the loop.