
North Carolina’s Legislature Stands Firm Against CBDCs, Overrides Governor’s Veto

In a bold move, North Carolina’s lawmakers have overturned Governor Roy Cooper’s veto on a bill that would have prohibited the state from implementing a central bank digital currency (CBDC). The decision came after a heated debate in the Republican-controlled Senate, culminating in a 27–17 vote in favor of House Bill 690. This vote surpassed the 60% threshold required to override the governor’s rejection, effectively putting a stop to any plans for the state to accept payments in a CBDC and participate in the Federal Reserve’s CBDC trials.

Governor Cooper initially vetoed the bill in July, citing concerns about its lack of clarity and labeling it as a reactionary measure. He stressed that the bill failed to address immediate threats, urging lawmakers instead to focus on cybersecurity-related budget matters. However, Dan Spuller, head of industry affairs at the Blockchain Association, criticized the veto, viewing it as a missed opportunity to take a firm stand against CBDCs. He commended North Carolina lawmakers for ensuring that digital assets policy remains within the control of the American people, safeguarding principles of privacy, individual sovereignty, and free market competitiveness.

The Debate Surrounding CBDCs

CBDCs, or central bank digital currencies, are digital versions of government-issued currencies that leverage blockchain technology to facilitate fiat currency transactions. These assets have been gaining momentum globally, with countries representing 98% of global GDP exploring their implementation, according to the Atlantic Council’s CBDC tracker. Proponents argue that CBDCs could enhance economic inclusion and reduce the cost of financial services. However, critics, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF), caution that these currencies could also pose risks to financial stability.

In the United States, the issue of CBDCs has become increasingly divisive. Democrats like Senator Elizabeth Warren advocate for their adoption, citing potential benefits for financial inclusion and efficiency. On the other hand, Republicans, including former President Donald Trump, have expressed skepticism and opposition to CBDCs. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve has yet to make a definitive decision on launching a CBDC, emphasizing the need for legal authorization before proceeding.

The Implications of North Carolina’s Decision

By overriding Governor Cooper’s veto and standing firm against CBDCs, North Carolina’s legislature has sent a clear message about the state’s stance on digital currencies. This decision underscores the importance of maintaining control over monetary policy and preserving the values of privacy, individual sovereignty, and free market competition. It also reflects a broader debate within the United States about the role of digital currencies in the future of finance and economic stability.


The Potential Benefits and Risks of CBDCs
Political Divides on CBDCs in the United States
The Future of CBDCs in a Global Context

The Potential Benefits and Risks of CBDCs

Central bank digital currencies have garnered attention for their potential to revolutionize the financial landscape. Proponents argue that CBDCs could streamline payment systems, reduce transaction costs, and enhance financial inclusion by providing access to banking services for underserved populations. Additionally, CBDCs could offer greater transparency and security compared to traditional fiat currencies, as transactions would be recorded on a decentralized ledger.

However, critics raise concerns about the implications of widespread CBDC adoption. One potential risk is the impact on commercial banks, as the introduction of CBDCs could lead to disintermediation and a loss of deposits. Additionally, the rise of CBDCs could pose challenges to monetary policy, as central banks would need to navigate the complexities of implementing and regulating a digital currency. There are also concerns about the potential for CBDCs to infringe on individuals’ privacy rights, as digital transactions could be monitored and tracked more easily than cash transactions.

Political Divides on CBDCs in the United States

The debate over CBDCs in the United States reflects broader political divides on issues of monetary policy, financial regulation, and technology. Democrats like Senator Elizabeth Warren have been vocal in their support for CBDCs, arguing that digital currencies could improve financial access and efficiency. Warren has called for robust oversight and consumer protections to accompany the adoption of CBDCs, emphasizing the need to prevent abuse and fraud in the digital currency space.

On the other side of the aisle, Republicans have expressed skepticism about the implementation of CBDCs. Former President Donald Trump has raised concerns about the potential risks associated with digital currencies, including issues related to security, privacy, and economic stability. Some Republicans fear that CBDCs could undermine the traditional banking system and erode financial privacy, leading to increased government surveillance of financial transactions.

The Future of CBDCs in a Global Context

As countries around the world explore the possibilities of central bank digital currencies, the future of CBDCs remains uncertain. While some nations have already launched pilot programs or conducted research on CBDCs, others are taking a more cautious approach, waiting to see how the technology evolves and how regulatory frameworks develop. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been monitoring the progress of CBDCs globally, highlighting both the opportunities and challenges associated with these digital assets.

In this rapidly evolving landscape, it is essential for policymakers, regulators, and industry stakeholders to collaborate and engage in dialogue about the future of CBDCs. By considering the potential benefits and risks of digital currencies, countries can make informed decisions about whether to pursue the implementation of CBDCs and how to address the challenges that may arise. As North Carolina’s legislature takes a stand against CBDCs, it sets a precedent for other states and jurisdictions grappling with similar questions about the role of digital currencies in the modern economy.


North Carolina’s decision to override Governor Cooper’s veto and reject the implementation of a central bank digital currency demonstrates the state’s commitment to preserving traditional monetary policies and values. As the debate over CBDCs continues to unfold in the United States and around the world, it is clear that digital currencies are reshaping the financial landscape and challenging established norms. By engaging in thoughtful discourse and weighing the potential benefits and risks of CBDCs, policymakers can chart a path forward that promotes financial inclusion, innovation, and security in the digital age.