The Vox candidate for the Junta de Andalucía, Macarena Olona, ??said goodbye this Wednesday to the Congress of Deputies, taking off the judicial endorsement that her registration has received in the town of Salobreña (Granada), which the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños , has insisted on qualifying as “trap”.

“If the first procedure to stand for election is a trap, what can Andalusians and Spaniards expect from Vox and the extreme right,” asked Bolaños in Olona’s last session in Congress before leaving her deputy minutes for focus on the election campaign for June 19.

The leader of Vox has accused Bolaños of having orchestrated the “plan” to try to annul her candidacy, making the mayor of Salobreña, María Eugenia Rufino, a “necessary collaborator”. “25 days for the elections in Andalusia and here I am, standing, a candidate for the elections in Andalusia and a resident of Salobreña”, Olona has puffed out her chest proclaiming herself as “Macarena de Salobreña”.

In this sense, he has described as “chusquero assembly” the file initiated against his registration and has compared it with the 30,000 illegal immigrants who have assured that they are registered in Andalusia and have health cards “that all Andalusians pay”.

“How the glove without hands last week had to hurt,” Oloña told Bolaños about the decision of the Andalusian Electoral Board and the courts to approve his candidacy.

The minister has rejected this “overacting, theater, lies, forced smile and insult”, with interventions that he sees “more grotesque every day”. However, he has regretted that Olona is going to leave Congress because he has assured that he is in politics precisely to combat everything that she represents: “hate, tension, bullying and insults.”

Bolaños has insisted that Olona has had the “boldness” to sign a public document assuring that she lives in Salobreña, a “trap like a house” because she, as she has argued, “does not live nor has she lived in her life” in that town .

Therefore, he has insisted that Andalusians can only expect “traps and more traps” from his candidacy, in which he has included the President of the Board and PP candidate, Juan Manuel Moreno, and has accused Vox of not having ” no scruples” or “moral or ethical limits”.

In this sense, he has alluded to the “disgusting” words of the Vice President of Castilla y León, Juan García Gallardo, of Vox, addressing a deputy with a disability in the regional Courts and has asked the PP what he thinks of having included in the Government “an extreme right-winger” to “insult, humiliate and disrespect” a person with a disability.

Bolaños ended his speech with an allusion to the poet Federico García Lorca. “A man from Granada, this really is, a good man, a true man from Granada and a good Spanish”, he has claimed.