The president of the EBB of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar, has condemned this Monday the assault on the most important institutions in Brazil by the followers of former president Jair Bolsonaro, and has called on the democrats to “take care of democracy every day”, in addition of describing the PP’s reaction to these “so serious” events that occurred in the Brazilian country as a “deep blunder”.

In an interview with Radio Euskadi, collected by Europa Press, Ortuzar pointed out that the institutional assault seems to be “beginning to be a trend or a pandemic”, also referring to that of the Capitol by followers of Donald Trump in the US two years ago.

In addition, he has warned of “populist leadership, which is increasingly gaining support at the polls, although it may seem paradoxical.” “I think this has to make us more aware than ever that democracy, despite having its imperfections, is the best political system, the fairest, and that it must be pampered and cared for every day,” he said. .

In his opinion, sometimes the democrats themselves put “at risk, exaggerating or pulling” a lot of the differences, when “you have to take care of democracy because, if not, this type of behavior happens.”

After indicating that all countries “are important”, he stressed that Brazil is one “of the most relevant in America and in the world” because “it has a large population, it also has a very large economic strength and it is a world power that cannot be in the hands of this type of people”.

He has also referred to the reaction of the PP, after its general secretary, Cuca Gamarra, has taken the opportunity to reproach the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, that what happened in Brazil, in Spain would now be sanctioned as a simple public disorder after having abolished the crime of sedition.

For the jeltzale leader, regarding what has happened in Brazil, “the scuffle that the PSOE and the PP are having here is petty minutiae, but for that petty minutiae, these types of statements are made.”

“I do not understand the Popular Party in this type of behavior, because, deep down, here they are giving wings to Vox and this type of behavior. I do not understand how, by gaining half a minute of supposed noise on television or radio, they can screw up so deeply”, he concluded.