According to the high commissioner for Pensions, the option of implementing the reform in course of preparation, only new entrants, however, is “on the table”.

It is called the “grandfather clause”. This is the track of book the effects of the pension reform for only new entrants. But this option does not collect the favors of Jean-Paul Delevoye. “I believe that what we have done for one another, it is necessary to do so for the other”, said Tuesday on France 2 on the high-commissioner of Pensions. Jean-Paul Delevoye has clarified, however, that this track “is on the table”, even if “is not what he prefers in a personal capacity”.

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Monday, Emmanuel Macron had mentioned this track. “I can understand someone who is EDF, the RATP or the SNCF, which has 48 or 50 years old, and who is protesting. And, therefore, it is necessary that one finds a clever solution. He returned with a covenant with the nation, he said, ‘you’re going to work in this company, here are your rights’. Without a doubt, it should not be any rush for him,” said the head of State on RTL.

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Calling to “give the time to the transition”, he added: “But, is it that the policeman that I am hiring tomorrow, I can’t say, ‘he fits in the new system, him’?”

“there is a path for each profession, for each” status ”

“When you talk about revisiting the contract with the nation, it is for the whole of the public service”, for its part, said Jean-Paul Delevoye, recognizing that this would be an “injustice” to apply “brutally” reform, for example, to teachers. “It is necessary to put support measures to ensure that there is a new contract with the teachers with an appreciation of their compensation”, was developed by the former president of the Association of mayors of France.

“today, it is the whole society that is concerned about how it behaves with the 70 % of private employees, how it behaves with the 10% independent ? There is a path for each profession, for each status, including for special diets,” added the high commissioner.

Asked about the strike interprofessional scheduled for 5 December at the call of the CGT, FO, FSU and Solidaires, a former senator and mayor of Bapaume (Pas-de-Calais) has admitted to not be “doing illusion : the strike will take place”.

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“If it is to say ‘we have a contract and we believe that there is a break of contract’ with a perception of suffering in relation to that, then I say, ‘I hear it'”, a-t-he-tempered, calling for the continuation of the consultations on changes in the time for special diets.