Ten trade unions and employer organisations were to be received this Thursday and Friday by the Prime minister, Édouard Philippe.
long hours of discussion in the program. The consultation with the government on pension reform “looks complicated” and at risk of being”long”, said Thursday the secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, after a first interview at Matignon, where he did “not feel an attitude closed”.
“It seems to me to be a discussion which can be long”, he said at the end of an hour exchange with the Prime minister, Edouard Philippe, the minister of Solidarity, Agnès Buzyn and the high commissioner to the pension reform, Jean-Paul Delevoye.
“there are a number of points on which they are quite open,” he added, referring to “the question of calendars and methods of work”. But differences remain on the merits, in particular the objective of financial equilibrium of the pension system by 2025, set by Emmanuel Macron.
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“dozens and dozens of hours”
“there is no need budgetary urgent”, stated Laurent Berger, saying that this issue “will probably require dozens and dozens of hours of discussion”.
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the Same caution on the debate, revived by the head of State, between starting age and period of contribution. “It’s going to have to step aside,” and “almost put him with a white sheet and say : ‘that is what would be fair ?'”, replied the leader cédétiste.
“The discussion promises to be complicated, very complicated”, because “the issue of pensions is fairly technical”, he explained. The trade unionist did not “felt an attitude closed” on the part of the executive. But “is it open today ? It will be measured by the results achieved”.
The CGT and Unsa received Friday
In total, ten unions and employers ‘ organisations were to be received this Thursday and Friday by the Prime minister, Édouard Philippe.
on The side of Force ouvrière, “we did not have precision on the type of consultation required by the executive, but “we intend to explain the reasons why we are opposed” to this reform, said, Yves Veyrier. “The problem of departure, it is the choice (…) of a single regime by points,” which will be “de facto in the hands of government” successive, he explained.
READ ALSO >> Reform of the pension system : the cautions of Emmanuel Macron
“We still find things that are positive” in the report submitted by the high commissioner in mid-July, has qualified Philippe Louis, number one on the CFTC, stating, however, that”there is a lot of work to do” to “go concrete”.
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The consultation is to his continuing with the Medef, including the chairman Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux arrived around 16 hours. The FNSEA was expected in the late afternoon. On Friday, it will be the turn of the U2P, Unsa, CGT, CFE-CGC and finally the CPME. The Prime minister warned on Wednesday that “the method and timing of the reform” will not be specified that “in the course of the next week”.