The trade unions of the RATP call for a strike on 13 September against the pension reform. Because it signals the end of special diet, but not only.

It can be the first stone of a conflict that could get bogged down. On 13 September, the three representative trade unions of the RATP (Unsa, CGT and CFE-CGC) called the strike against the retirement reform. The movement looks solid. Ten subway lines will be discontinued, announced the directorate in a press release on September 11th. She advises to users – if possible – not to take the transport.

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A blow to pressure which the government would have gone well, so that Edward Philippe should announce the timing and method of the act 2 of this reform iconic, this September 12, at the Eesc (economic Council, social and environmental). “It will be necessary to count with us”, welcomes Thierry Babec, secretary general of the Unsa RATP. “We have everything to lose,” sums up the CGT RATP in a press release”.

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Paradoxically, the time that the government wants to give itself to clarify its intentions could play well against him, as he seems to be feeding the fears that appease them. “Today there are a lot of concerns and questions among the employees,” explains Thierry Babec. They want to know what sauce they will be eaten. However, the project drags on.”

special diets in the viewfinder

A large part of the 42 000 employees of the group is, in fact, particularly in the viewfinder. The high commissioner, Jean-Paul Delevoye has been clear: the special regimes, and the possibility for some to leave early in retirement, it’s finished ! Of course, they will be able to receive the professional account of prevention and transitional arrangements are planned. But in the universal system, they will have to “align” on the general scheme, in a stated objective of fairness (“to careers identical, identical rights”).

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A recent report of the Court of auditors has recently delivered the topic on the table. The regimes of the gas and electric industries (IEG), of the SNCF and the RATP have not been reformed quickly enough, so they are largely borne by the public finances, accuse the magistrates of the rue Cambon. These are also matters that the ages of retirement remain overall lower than those of employees in the general plan : 55,7 years at the RATP compared to 63 years in average. And that it is not justified. The matter is all summed up.

at the RATP today, the employees rolling and working in the underground can, in fact, from 52 years (for the generations born before 1972), provided they have a service life of 27 years. Those who worked in the workshops can from to 57 years (if they were born in 1967 or before 1967). One advantage of the hardness of their craft, which has already been cropped with the previous reforms. And they are less likely to use for not to be discount, which acknowledges the Court of auditors . “Many are working longer in order to receive an improved pension, stresses Thierry Babec. An employee who at 52 years of age, affecting 60 % of the last six months of salary before the discount – then it will receive 75 % if he starts at age 62.”

pensions are lower ?

Second concern: the change of rules of calculation of their pension. “Until now, the RATP, the pension was based on the last six months of salary and bonuses are provided to employees who leave after 52 years. All this disappears in the new system, if alarm Thierry Babec.” Like many, the union has done its calculations : applying the standards of the new system – which we do not yet know all the settings, an agent came in 2005 starting in 2035 would lose almost 16 % of pension. For another, having started in 2015 and based in 2052, the loss would increase to 28%.

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“The RATP allows you to have a career bottom-up : you can enter without a degree, climbing the ranks thanks to his work, and end up with a pension framework. Tomorrow this will be how? If we calculate the pension over the entire career rather than the last six months, or even the best 25 years, we will be losers!”, over from his side Frédéric Ruiz.

For these two unions, this change in the rules breaks the social contract of the company, according to which these early starts are counterparties to the low salary levels of entry and to the rhythms imposed on the agents. “We work the Sunday, it was a working vacation… The direction we have always been told that the consideration was to be able to leave early retirement”, explains Thierry Babec.

“everyone will lose”

The different tracts of the trade unions the show : we do not suggest that this protest aims to defend only the corporate interests. “We think that with the universal system, virtually everyone will lose, except, perhaps, the small pensions and the unemployed,” says Frédéric Ruiz which highlights the fact that the RATP, even if they are in the majority, everyone is not under the statute.

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As on the national level, the union executives fear a lengthening of the minimum contribution. “The cacophony that was launched by Emmanuel Macron at the end of the G7 makes us fear the worst for the instructors,” sighed the clerk. If it takes 45 reckonable years of service in the future system, this means that a frame that has started his career at 25 years of age, shall retire at 70 years old !”