A large majority of respondents also favored an obligation to install doctors in the medical deserts, and to a decrease of the tax on the income.

Before that, Emmanuel Macron does not communicate on the lessons that he drew from the great debate, an Ifop poll for the JDD clarifies the expectations of the French. Nearly nine in ten (88 % and 87 %) of them deem it necessary to re-index the small pensions on inflation and forcing the doctors to settle in the medical deserts.

A strong majority also argues for a general reduction of the tax on income (82 %) and the removal of the “fee tv” (80 %), according to this study, based on nine measures extracted from the many ideas generated during the public consultation.

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More than three French out of four are in favour of the “easing of conditions for citizens to propose a referendum (76%) and 72% opted for “a single allocation in the direction of those who would merge all forms of social aid available”.

A majority opposed the deletion of the ENA

One of the nine measures subject to this study is not approved : it is the removal of the ENA school of training of the elites of the State, to which 54% of French people are opposed to it. Only 39 % are in favour. 7 % did not respond.

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Then Emmanuel Macron must perform in the next few days his announcement post-great debate, 85% of respondents are of the opinion that it needs to change its attention to the concerns of the French, a figure that is stable compared to a similar study conducted in November.

82% felt that the head of the State must change its policy of economic and social (+4%), while they are 71% to think that it must change its way of speaking to the contact of the French (80% in November).

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Ifop Study carried out by phone on 12 and 13 April with a representative sample of 972 people, according to the method of quotas. The margin of error between 1.4 and 3.1 percentage points.