A report is delivered on Thursday to the government with 175 proposals. The minister of Health and solidarity is responsible for : there will be no “additional tax”.
The demographic shock of future retirees in the baby-boom, a challenge for many western democracies. The report on old age, written by the official Dominique Libault and delivered this Thursday the government expects 9.2 billion of public expenditure per year by 2030 to cope with the ageing of the baby boom generation, and formula 175 proposals, of which the main.
Rethink the model of long-term care facilities
To support in better conditions, some 40,000 people dependent additional per year from 2030, for example, it proposes to”integrate the risk of loss of autonomy in the field of the laws of social Security financing”, and therefore excludes the option of a private insurance mandatory.
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The current model of long-term care facilities must be redesigned with smaller units, with 25% of staff compared to the number of residents, occupations and better valued. The remaining burden of families must be reduced by using a new benefit of 300 euros for the income between 1 000 and 1 600 euros, decreasing beyond. The report recommends to multiply the formulas intermediaries, such as temporary shelter or overnight accommodation of a person to relieve the caregivers.
Improve services to the person at home
To keep the maximum senior citizens ‘ home, the report suggests a price floor of 21 euros per hour for the services of help and support at home, coupled with a grant equivalent to three euros per hour to take account of unpaid activities today such as the coordination with the team, a financial support of € 550 million.
To fund this effort, the facilitators exclude any increase in compulsory levy. They suggest to use instead of the CRDS, this tax created in 1996 to pay off the “trou de la Secu”, and is supposed to disappear in 2024, when the “social debt” to be repaid. “There will not be an additional tax, it is a door that is clearly closed,” has also assured Thursday, the minister of Solidarity, Agnès Buzyn, during a meeting with the Association of journalists of social information (Sjia).
Increase in public expenditure linked to the great age
Dominique Libault also proposes to increase to 1.6% of GDP public expenditure related to old age in 2030, compared to 1.2% in 2018, an increase of 35% in twelve years.
This effort (9.2 billion euros per year in 2030) is to be compared with 740 billion allocated to social protection.
An extra day of solidarity ?
The government, which will consider these proposals, thinks of her next to other tracks. As explained by Le Parisien, the idea of setting up a second day of solidarity, on the model of the one already put in place by Jean-Pierre Raffarin after the 2003 heat wave is mentioned. Currently the day of solidarity existing allows you to bring in approximately € 2.4 billion for the support of dependent elderly people.
Accelerate the lengthening of the contribution period
in addition, the government would consider the idea of lengthening the contribution period, making it pass more quickly from 42 to 43 years. The latest reform is expected as soon as 2020, to extend a quarter every three years the contribution period for access to full rights, until 2035 if we follow the current timetable. “The executive would consider accelerating this schedule and this by 2021 on the basis of two semesters (instead of one) every three years,” wrote Le Parisien, which said that this could be worth four billion euros more.
Pushing back the retirement age a year
Finally, a postponement of the retirement age to 63 years (while the French are mostly opposed), is mentioned.
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A proposal by two members of parliament last summer, but that would allow the State to partially finance the addiction.
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The passage from one age to another would be gradual, between 2020 and 2024. Two billion euros could be released from this evolution in the first years. In the long term, this could bring back five billion.