The Unsa, FO and CGT have been received this Friday morning at Matignon. The representatives of the other unions, like the CFDT, are still expected.

The secretary-general of the Unsa, Laurent Escure, expressed the hope that “in the next few hours” Edward Philip will withdraw the draft law on the reform of the pension age pivot, he said Friday following a meeting at Matignon.

Received in the heels, Yves Veyrier, secretary general of Force ouvrière, said that the “determination” of his union to demand the withdrawal of the draft reform of the pensions remained “intact”. Its counterpart of the CGT Philippe Martinez, has also “reiterated its disagreement”.

No compromise, no withdrawal age pivot

“We have requested the Prime minister to withdraw the age-pivot (…), I think he understood,” commented Laurent Escure after 40 minutes of interview with Edouard Philippe. “I expect that in the next few hours, there’s this announcement”, he insisted.

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The introduction of a age pivot to 64 years, with a system of bonus-malus, crystallizes the tensions between the executive and the trade unions, the reformists, including the CFDT and the Unsa. These last, if they are favourable to the principle of a new pension system is universal for points, make this a “red line”.

However, the age of the pivot, mentioned 39 times, figure for the hour in the bills sent Thursday night to the social Security funds.

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“If in the coming hours, age pivot is removed, I think we will be able to find the conditions for a compromise,” said Laurent Escure.

The social partners were received on Friday for a series of bilateral meetings, including the establishment of a “conference funding” of pensions, according to a proposal of the CONFEDERATION to which the executive seems to want to give away.

The conference funding in question

“I think that he has understood our message, that the removal of the age pivot (give) all his chances in the success of this conference,” financing, “which should install very quickly,” said Laurent Escure.

This conference should be held “parallel” to the discussion of parliamentary “with a landing zone by around may or June,” he said. This schedule would give satisfaction to the executive who wants to integrate the conclusions of the work in the text of the law before its final vote, that is to say, “before the summer”.

Laurent Escure has also reaffirmed its commitment to “balance” financial, “as the basis for the distribution-based system”, sending a pledge to the Prime minister. “We, we move on the spirit of responsibility, to him to move on the withdrawal of the measure of the age pivot”, he pleaded.

The “determination” of the FO remains intact

Received just after the Prime minister, Yves Veyrier, secretary general of FO has repeated his “determination” to secure the withdrawal of the reform project. “The more we progress, the more we look, the more we’re going to look at this bill, and the more we shall be convinced that we are right to object to the proposed plan of single points”, he said.

He is also said to have formally raised the question of a possible withdrawal of the age is the pivot of the bill : “You didn’t answer me”. “I don’t have the feeling. This will not be total, if it had to evolve”, he added.

READ ALSO >> Reform of the pension system : different scenarios regarding age-pivot

“I asked again, and this time very formally to the Prime minister to pause the process so that we have to come back around a negotiating table and that it specifically looks at the consequences of such or such a provision,” added Yves Veyrier. “Unfortunately, I did not understand from the Prime minister that it fits into the idea of a “pause”.

“We will not pause with regard to our determination to prevent this regime single point track day because we are increasingly convinced that it is a mistake”, he said.

Martinez always disagree

a Few minutes after it was released Philippe Martinez, general secretary of the CGT, which is leading the fronde against the project with the FO. “We have reiterated our disagreement with the government’s project”, he noted.

He assured that they have not received the bill. “We have not received neither that night nor even at this time the government’s draft bill,” this “does not allow you to work in confidence, there was still quite a bit of confidence.”

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It is, however, ready to participate in the conference of financing “in parallel” with the discussion of parliament. “It is not necessary that it be disconnected from the bill, it is necessary that this be done at the same time,” according to him.

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Sur the age of balance, Philippe Martinez considered that it was “a false problem, a false controversy” because “the age pivot already exists”.